Hi everyone, just wanted to ask if anyone else experienced severe headaches in early pregnancy? I've done a covid test to rule that out and I am drinking alot of water. Just getting a little worried as they are so intense. No other real symptoms at the moment apart from that. It is likely from my hcg that I'm pregnant with twins so is this normal do you think? Im not going to take painkillers so happy to just let it continue as long as baby is ok .. just getting a little worried ❤️
Bad headaches / Migraines 5 weeks + ... - Fertility Network...
Bad headaches / Migraines 5 weeks + 2 days

Hello lovely. I’m in early pregnancy and also get bad headaches a lot. For me, I’m fairly sure it’s the progesterone, though of course I can’t be totally sure. I also had high levels of HCG on my first tests, although unlikely to be twins. Xxx
Hi, I had this when I was pregnant with my son. My midwife suggested magnesium supplements as apparently pregnant women can often become deficient although obviously check with your health care people first! To be honest they didn’t do much for me but might be worth a try. I found when I got off the meds at 12 weeks they became much less severe and frequent xx
Yes, absolutely blinding headaches, dizziness, room spins... They were horrible and I've never really had headaches before. But I had them from the oestrogen and progesterone before my FET and they just got worse in early pregnancy. They pretty much disappeared when I came of the meds at the end of the first trimester. So it could be the meds if you're on any or a combination of them and pregnancy hormones. I'd still get it checked just in case - if you've not got a midwife yet, maybe with clinic or GP?
I’ve had this both times, I never really get headaches normally and they’re bloody awful! Keep drinking lots of water and if you need to, take some paracetamol as it should at least take the edge off. Mine did get better in my second trimester, coming off the progesterone after 12 weeks helps as well, pretty sure it’s the progesterone levels rather than hcg that causes them. Hormones eh!🥴
Try not to focus too much on what the clinic said about twins either. With my daughter, my hcg was 956 at 11dp and she was just a singleton xx
I haven’t experienced headaches but on my app it’s one of the most common symptoms
My headaches were awful hun! Its really hard, I found forehead helped a bit although the only thing that helped was standing under a hot shower and lying in a darkened room. Tiger balm can do the same thing as forehead. I found it so hard as nothing helps my headaches apart from nurofen which I wasnt allowed. Paracetamol does take the edge off. Hugs, hang on in there.....maybe it's a twin thing!😬xxx