I’m wondering if anyone could please help me. Before I knew I was pregnant (I can only be about 4 weeks in) I went and had blood tests done at my gp because I had muscle/ joint pain, fatigued, dandruff, dry skin, low mood. My results came back and the following were highlighted in red:
B12/folate level 216ng/L (197-771)
Serum folate 2.7ug/L (3-20)
Vitamin D 33nmol/L (50-150)
Serum globulin 19g/L (20-35)
Since receiving these results on the Monday by the Wednesday I did a pregnancy test which was positive. I’m now taking pregnacare but I’m worried this isn’t enough considering my levels are so low.
I spoke to my GP and she was so unhelpful. Couldn’t recommend how much I should take and just kept telling me to take pregnancare. There’s so little information out there and I keep hitting a brick wall. Now I have early pregnancy symptoms so it’s muddied the waters but the joint pain that I feel just doesn’t seem right.
I don’t know where to turn or who to speak to. I don’t want to over do it on supplements because that’s not good for baby but I’m concerned about my b12, iron & vitamin D.
Any help would be truly amazing!