Can anybody recommend good oncological gy... - Endometriosis UK

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Can anybody recommend good oncological gyneacologist in Midlands, London, anywhere in uk really.

1 Reply

I have ovarian fibroma which needs find further investigation. I struggle to find good gyneacological oncologist. I supposed to see dr Mann but he is still off sick. I would appreciate any recommendations.

Thank you

E xx

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We are not permitted to dicuss individual surgeons by name on this public forum Edysia, and I am not sure it is the best place to ask your question either, as women who have suspect cancers and are under the care of oncologists, are more likely to be over on the ovarian cancer OC forum or one of the other gynae cancer forums.

An ovarian fibroma is a benign tumour not a cancerous one, so wouldn't need an oncologist, if that is definitely what you do have.

If you do have a separate suspected cancer issue then the NHS fast track you to see a gynae-oncologist anyway, and they usually work as part of a team of surgeons, so if one is ill or on holiday the others can cover. They don't hang about waiting for surgeons to get back from an extended break. oncologists work as a team, discussing cases and deciding which available surgeon is best suited for particular procedure because it is always handled at short notice and very fast (for the NHS.)

Suspect cancer cases are seen to very quickly indeed. 2 weeks to get an appointment with a specialist and then 2-3 weeks for surgery if not sooner. That is the NHS guidelines for any suspect cancers. If you have already waited any longer than that, then you are not considered by the NHS as a suspected cancer case.

If you click on the 'my communities' section on the green banner at the top of this webpage, then select 'other communities', you see a list of the other health forums to join and post your enquiry, though any public replies as to recommendations might get deleted, so replies which names names are probably best directed through the personal messaging facility.

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