I'm in the middle of my first ever flare up and I've started get pain in my thighs is this normal?
Does anyone get leg pain? Is normal with ... - Endometriosis UK
Does anyone get leg pain? Is normal with endometriosis?

Hi I have bad hip and thigh pain that comes and goes. Can have days of limping then fine for a while. After asking around this seems to be another symptom, I have been told it could be inflammation irratating my static nerve which runs down your leg. I'm actually sat in hospital waiting room waiting for my lap today and I'm bored but hopefully by the end of the day ill know why I suffer with the leg pain so much! Painkillers don't do much but a short walk or hotwaterbottle is only thing that helps me. Hope it eases soon and the best thing is really hot bath! X
Good luck lillyflower!
In answer to question, yes lots of ladies complain of hip or leg pain, when severe ending with a limp which is what i get.
I was told by gynae pain down front of thighs normally indicates endo on nerves of ovarian cyst but they didnt find either for me.
I have endo in my pouch of douglas and apparently ladies with it on that area or bowel ofter get the leg pain too.
It can also not help where we get so tense its can misalign our pelvis.
Heatbags and tramadol are only things that help me when really bad.i sometimes feel the bone pain is worse than the pelvic, but usually mine settles in days. Have baths a plenty aswell as nice to feel pressure taken off joint xxx
Aww thank you so much, that is so helpful and very kind of you xx
Endo on uterusacrel ligaments can cause ur thighs/legs to ache, Endo on the nerves and on or near the bowel can also be the reason, I have all and my legs hurt everyday xx
Hi Emmashead,
Dont you think that this can be confusing sometimes....I had an MRI in Jan they said I have a disc protrusion at L5-S1(anteriorly) I had the usual symptoms of siatic nerve pain running down my left leg and hip but more worryingly left labial numbness. Also in Jan my stomach bloats (I look pregnant), bowel and bladder pains(pressure) I am scanned and they find bilateral cysts 4cm and thickened Endometrium. I am convinced after reading others endo symptoms that this is what I have....but how would one know it wasnt to do with the disc in my back?
So fed up with pain and not knowing the answer...... Whats your take on it?
Hey astrogirl7 it can be difficult to know what is causing your symptoms, but it does sound like Endo, are you having these symptoms quite often? Do you have Facebook at all? Is you do search a group called "Endometriosis support group" its closed so you will need to request to join, its my group so I will except you and you can talk with us, there is another Endo girl who has problems with a disc in her back too, I will try my best to find her and you both can chat as I think she can help you better, if you don't have Facebook then feel free to message me =) xx
Oh bless you darling my doctors have neglected me because I haven't been able to loose weight for a lap so my gyno dropped me and left me under my gp. I haven't been scanned for three years so I've asked for one as it has been getting worse & I've had issues opening my bowel this week and had to have an emergency appointment on Tuesday. So I've got an appointment for next week but I feel like they are not listening. I have pain in my lower back and legs and can't walk today.
I get leg pain mainly in my left leg, as this were must of my pain if from my left ovary, i am some time limping, some times i cant even put my foot down, it shocks right down my foot.
Yeh I get hip and thigh pain too. Like everyone else I find a hot water bottle and hot baths help a bit x
Hi just to confirm I was diagnosed with endo at my lap yesterday and have woke up with bad hip thigh pain again so I can now say for definate its linked. They found a large lession joining ovary womb and bowl on one side which may explain why I only get it on one eg not both . Will have follow up appointment in 6-8 weeks so will definitely be asking about this.
Bless you I am off to see my dr tomorrow desperately need a scan I think
Hi Samdoe,
I too get leg pains, running from my groin down the front and back of my thighs, hips too and agree with lilyflower that a nice hot bath really does soothe this pain. Also helps with lower back/kidney pain, too. I haven't had my endo confirmed yet but can really relate to the pains and symptoms.
Best wishes
I've been getting this really badly. Have you had any surgery before? I know that my pains have something to do with surgical adhesions and muscle/nerve damage from surgery
I did not have endo but uterine fibroids. Similar I think but I waited so long that my growths began to affect leg nerves to the point of falling and thigh atrophy and loss of use of leg. Pain was not controlled with any drug I was given I finally had them removed. All ten. Now leg is on the mend less knee swelling and pain from flab atrophy on thigh. Don't wait to long it only gets worse and nerves are slow healers!!