Just looking for some info/advice about leg pain! I have endo confirmed through a lap late last year and have started getting horrendous pain in my right leg. It’s a heavy dull ache sometimes accompanied by shooting pains and I feel it mostly radiating in my thigh and my bum cheek. I went to my GP today who has referred me for a lower limb assessment. My GP didn’t really say much other than ‘I was beginning to think there was nothing wrong with you’ when he touched a spot in my bum cheek and I yelped. I don’t have the greatest relationship with him as he refused to refer me for my period troubles. I was eventually referred by a locum who sent me for my lap and my gynaecologist told me I have stage 3 endo.
I’ve started rambling but basically I was wondering if my leg pain could be endo related? I’ve read about the sciatic nerve but I’m not too sure as my GP refuses to even acknowledge the fact I have endo.
Just in need of some advice! Thank you