Does anyone suffer with lower back pain w... - Endometriosis UK
Does anyone suffer with lower back pain with endometriosis. The back pain is constant 24/7.

Yes, all the blooming time! It's driving me bonkers at the moment.
Heat patches and hot water bottles help more than all the analgesics that I've been prescribed.
Cyber hugs,
Yes me too, I'm going to ask my gynea tomorrow
Yes all the time when I was on the mini pill. But only for a few days before and all my period on the combined pill. X
Me too !! I always have Jacobson to go with my endo... fibroids... Tec
Yes constantly. This is been one of my main symptoms for years. Doctors spent 4 years thinking i had a bad back even tho i suggested endo several times due to other symptoms aswell. Now recently diagnosed with stage 4 endo & frozen pelvis. The pain can be so debilitating can't it. I agree with cuddlybarb that hot water bottles are better than any painkiller. I've even taken mine to work before! Lol.
Hi girlies, I have the same thing, back pain and it goes into my hips making them painful and achy. I found out the other day that it is caused by Endo on the sciatic nerve. Sounds painful and that's because it is, if you want to find out a little more about it, click on my name and look at me most recent post, I explain about why its not diagnosed often. Unfortunately I don't know of anything to soothe the pain except rest and heat pads or hot water bottles. I hope you're all as pain free as possible.
Leya xoxo
I have seen a chiropractor about every 2 months for about 5 years now. It has helped with the lower back pain a lot. Definitely worth trying
I have not been formally diagnosed yet - still waiting for a GYN appointment. But i suffer from terrible back and hip pain and for years thought I had sciatica.. Seen a Neuro muscular therapist recently that proved it was not Sciatica. And I fully believe it is Endo related as he worked on it and could not fix it (he is amazing and has fixed most of my other muscle issues!) and I have tracked it and it is worse in the lead up (about 10 days or so) to my period. I look forward to being proved right LOL
You may be right in both as I said in my reply, most women with Endo will have it grow on the sciatic nerve which runs through the back round the front of your hips and down your legs. My mum has sciatica and I thought I may have had it but then I saw that you can get Endo there and the inflammation causes a great deal of pain and realised its not sciatica Endo endo on the sciatic nerve. I hope you get proven right that you have Endo so it can be treated properly, good luck.
Hello, I have had this problem for many years but found that light Yoga exercises for the lower back and walking helped pretty well. I also put Tiger Balm on my lower back and take a nice relaxing bath. All these things helped me
Hi there,
I have Endo and have a lot of trouble with my back and also pain that runs down my right leg. Despite the fact that I actually have had surgery to remove Endo my GP is still insisting that the back pain is Sciatica and is sending me to a spinal consultant. It really is so frustrating and shows how behind the times some of our GPs actually are. One even told me that Endo can't affect the sciatic nerve in my leg which I now know not to be true. At first I just believed what the GPs told me and toddled off to see whoever they wanted me to see as I appreciate that there is a process of elimination to follow in most cases, however now I stand up for what I know is going on in my own body and I will not be fobbed off. With wait times being so long it really is important to speak up if you think you are being misdiagnosed. Sorry I have perhaps gone a bit off topic, but I know so much more now and wish I had spoken out a bit more at the beginning. I have found that nice relaxing baths help to relieve tension in the back as when my back is hurting at the bottom it causes problems further up for me to.
I hope this helps and that your pain back eases a bit for you,
Hi - I also suffer with back pain. It's not been formally connected to endo but when I have the pelvic/pubic pains I certainly get the back pain and I am sure there's a link. (Things are a bit mixed up though because I have a heavy toddler I'm lugging about a lot, plus he sleeps badly so I often find I've fallen asleep on the floor next to his bed - not great for anyone's back! ) Like some of the others I've used hot water bottles and warm baths do help a little too. Some time back I did also see an osteopath who did some pelvic work simply to help my back as everything had got unaligned (this has happened before) - I'm not sure why (she isn't trained in treating endo or anything) but that did help my endo symptoms. Again it's something I'd like to look into more, eg. does it really help or was it coincidence? I believe there are some pelvic manipulation specialises in the US but I've not come across anyone here and I don't know how valid/effective the findings have been. L