I started my job in March 2010, and have always had an above average amount of time off sick (I don't get paid for it, so I only called in when I was really, really ill), then in January I was admitted to hospital with horrible abdominal pains (suspected appendicitis) which was found to be menstrual. Was referred to gynae and had a lap in March which found endo! My pains carried on getting worse and I took Prostap for 6 months. During this time, I had a (supposedly unrelated) back pain flare-up that put me in hospital for 4 days (more time off)! A couple of weeks after going back, I was struck down by the kidney infection from Hell which needed 3 lots of antibiotics to get rid of (and I'm still hurting now, but not feeling ill). The Prostap has now left my system and I'm on Cerazette now, and my abdo pains are coming back with a vengeance!
My job is quite physical for an office job, I deal with quite large files and they can be really heavy and I have to walk around a lot to deliver the files. After a shift I feel stiff and achey with even worse abdo pains and I'm so shattered I can hardly do much else. I don't even work long hours, mainly 4 or 6 hour shifts. My body's been through so much recently, it is now struggling to get me through work, my legs felt like jelly yesterday an hour into my shift. And it doesn't help that we are short staffed and the atmosphere is really stressy.
Occupational health sent some recommendations for me going back to work after my back problem (which one Dr said he thought was related to endo, possibly on my sciatic nerve, but the others said it wasn't), but they were half-ignored and I'm back doing my exact old job.
I really enjoy working, and want to, but my current role is too physically demanding, but I'm trapped until I find something else because I can't afford not to work, but it's making me feel worse.
Any advice? xxx