i have my first lap two weeks today. needless to say i am really nervous, i keep having panic attacks, even waking up through the night panicking, and one reason is because i'm so scared i'll go under anesetic and keep thinking i wont wake up, ridiculous as everyone keeps telling me but my reason for fearing this is because i'm over weight. i have lost 5 and a half stone since last year so i was severely overweight, i still have about another 4-5 stone to go, but i am a completely different person from a year ago - i exercise everyday, swimming, zumba, walking, circuits, its been hard and still is hard especially when everyday you're in pain but most days i still manage it.
i have all these fears going round in my head......the overweight thing, 18 mths ago one gynae doctor told me until you lose 5st we wont look at you, if you lose the weight your problems will disappear, she was very unsympathetic and told me to lose weight in such a way that she thought i'd never lose 5st, so glad i have - i know weight does not help any condition but i know it had not caused my problems, and the fact i had gained a lot because of being so poorly with all this.
last july was my last gynae appointment with a consultant, he at that time agreed to remove mirena and do endometrial ablation and said 'oh you don't need a laparoscopy' he also said that my fibroids wouldn't be causing my pains or problems, but why wouldn't they? not one consultant has questioned me on my symptoms, or asked of my families background (all the women on my mums side have had hysterectomies in their 30's) i know that doesn't necessarily mean me too, but i am having the same problems as them but i've never felt any consultant has taken me seriously.
they have agreed to do the lap at the same time as the ablation because my gp wrote and asked them once i'd lost the required amount of weight, but i still would've liked a chat with the consultant to know that he knows my symptoms and to talk to me about the procedure and what he will do depending on what, if anything, he finds. i guess its because i read on here so very often on how most of you seem to have had good discussions with your consultants. so no chat with the consultant, my preop was done last july and they said i dont need an up to date one done, but i'm at least 3 and a half stone lighter. i just feel i'm going into this blind, i have a gp appointment next week so i can tell her how i'm feeling, and she is lovely and always makes me see sense but then i feel like i'm over reacting.
recap on my symptoms:
very heavy periods, housebound whilst on them lasting for 10-14 days and for several days having labour pains for several hours on those days
daily pain/ache of left lower side of pelvis and lower back, tugging gnawing feeling, varies in how painful, sometimes just dull aching others full on crippled over
first scan april 2011 said thickened lining, a few 'small' fibroids, hysteroscopy done biopsies etc july 2011, mirena inserted
since mirena very erratic periods, it has reduced flow dramatically but i bleed everyday pretty much but i can cope with that, has not reduced pain much, probably 2-3 days per month of 'labour days' as i call them, and it really is like the latter stages of labour, but daily pain remains the same
mri scan in april 2012, showed 4cm suspected chic cyst on left ovary, my gp was almost happy that they had found an explanation, rescanned 3 months later and apparently the cyst had gone, but i still had that same left pain :/ so obviously it wasn't that cyst causing the pain
sorry to have made it a long one - hope everybody is having a pain free day xxx