Hi I had appointment at UCLH yesterday with high hopes but now very down and confused. I was originally diagnosed with stage 2 endo in 2006 with private lap. Used to feel like I was having a baby with bowel movements and sure enough had endo on pouch of Douglas and rt utetosacral ligament plus adhesions. Had another private lap last march cos of continuing bowel problems. Found diffuse endo and put in mirena. Insurance co. won't cover me any more. Still finding it very hard to pass a motion, constant tenderness in rt pelvis. Was sure must be adhesions. GP put me on movicol.
Saw very nice nurse in clinic then had internal ultrasound scan which was very painful as they pressed on my tummy to try to get bowel out of way. It was very full even though I'd managed to go a little that morning. They said I had adenomyosis and benign cysts on lt ovary and that my rt ovary was stuck to bowel. Then they told me to lie there while they got colleague. Waited nearly 10 mins alone and wondering then a male dr can in and repeated scan very roughly. He said he was 'sceptical' as I was feeling most of pain from hand pressure rather than internally and that there wasn't any endo seen on scan or adhesions. Feel totally confused. Thought endo couldn't be seen on u/s scan? Can adhesions be seen? Nurse says she will speak to gynae consultant but perhaps I should get stronger laxatives from GP. Why will they not check the cause? Feel so low , have no libido xnd feel do yucky with brown gunk half the month with mirena instead of period for which I could use a tampon. Feel so tired and fed up. I am very blessed to have 3 kids but feel too depressed to be much use to them.
Sorry to go on, any advice would be great. X