When ever me and my partner have sex, its always painful,last time we did it, i bled and felt very sore and the time before that i was in tears because it ached so badly!! is this normal? xx
Painful sex: When ever me and my partner... - Endometriosis UK
Painful sex

Unfortunately, I am the same. You try and decide if it's worth it, but afterwards I always think why did I do that. During is bad enough but the next day I can hardly walk the pain is so bad.
Can't give any advice on this one, sorry. But your not on your own.
Miranda xx
I am the same. Sometimes blood during, sometimes pain on entry, sometimes not. Sometimes, pain only afterwards. I have been so angry and it is a wonder my poor boyfriend doesn't leave. I just dose myself up with tons of painkillers, and we have to take it slowly. Then get ready with either hot water bottle or cold flannel, depending on the type of pain! I'm the same as Miranda - always wondering if it's worth it. This shouldn't be happening to us. We deserve answers. We deserve help. Keep pestering those doctors!
yes hun this is normal sorry to say I would suggest trying different positions to try and find one that is the least painful and take it slow as was said by helen. use loads of lube and slow deep breaths. there are not many answers as to why this happens and it is not fair we should be able to enjoy our sex life. hope this helps x
Same for me, and after the pain is just as bad. A lot of the time i dredd sex
Fully understand....... The thought of sex turns my stomach no matter what we do I'm in agony as soon as we start I’m in tears!! We've tried everything now and nothing is painless. I have found it helps being totally relaxed having a massage ect before that seems to really help but even after we've finished I'm in agonising pains feel for you all and totally understand!
Me too...I love my other half so much and it has only been in the last 6 months it has become painful, but the last few times I have been curled up afterwards crying in pain. All a bit trial and error but for us I think the trick is - no quick sex, and a lot or foreplay, I guess it gives your body some time to adjust. Hope it gets better in time for you! x