Hello does anyone suffer painful sex during and days after? Thanks x
Painful sex: Hello does anyone suffer... - Endometriosis UK
Painful sex

Hi A2389g, one of my endo symptoms was painful sex and excruciating pain after which lasted a few days. I saw was as I haven’t had sec in months, had my endo excised beginning of this month, still scared to have sex, so interesting to see if the operation helped.
Yes! I’m pretty sure this is classed as a symptom too of endo. I’ve had laparoscopy to diagnose endometriosis and given relevant painkillers and even more than a year after I still experience pain for days after! X
I struggled with pain during and after sex and when I had my lap in October they said I had endo on my Pouch of Douglas which is what causes the pain during sex apparently. I haven’t had sex since my lap but hoping it will have solved the problem. Best advice I can give though is to go on top, use lots of lube and don’t go fast or deep.
Yes!! I find that some positions are worse than others and some times of the months are worse than others such as after ovulation. I also experience pain during sex that can last a while after and also pain during orgasms lately too. I also agree with not going deep as I've found that makes it worse. I guess it's just having to experiment to find out what's okay for you x
Not to get too TMI here, but I had painful sex in two ways -- pain felt "deep" in and also pain in other TMI places.
Having endo excision surgery has cured the deep pain and I no longer have cramping the day of and the day after sex (success!). The other pain is still there.
Hope that helps and sorry to hear what you are going through - it's so tough and it complicates relationships massively. xx
I have endometriosis on pouch of Douglas and have experienced pain durin sex for years. Like other people say; it can be worse or better at different times of the month.
For me I experience the most pain during ovulation which is ironic as I’m trying to get pregnant 😂
Communication is key (although not always easy), if you’re in pain then tell the person you’re having sex with and experiment with other positions/speeds etc until you find things that work for you