I have stage 4 endometriosis and used to be able to manage some time of the month to have intercourse, no however it is always painful has anyone any ideas or solutions to correct or help with this.
any help would be great at the end of my tether
I have stage 4 endometriosis and used to be able to manage some time of the month to have intercourse, no however it is always painful has anyone any ideas or solutions to correct or help with this.
any help would be great at the end of my tether
Hi, it's the same for me. I'm waiting for an mri scan then major surgery. Have you told your consultant and are you having any treatment or surgery? Xx
Thanks for the reply I don't really have a consultant at the minute as I had went private but can no longer afford it so on a long waiting list, I had surgery last year to remove my left ovary from a section of my bowels and remove any visible endometriosis I was pain free for about 3mths then cysts and pain returned hope something helps with this pain surly this cant be it for life im only 33
Is your gp referring you to endo specialist consultant? And is your gp helpful? I have severe rectroviginal endo and adenmyosis. And in excruciating daily pain. What pain relief are you taking? Might be worth getting that sorted as well. Do you know which consultant your being referred to? If so call the hospital and ask if you can have a cancellation. Xx
Im afraid Doc just referring to an gyne at local hospital to be honest the private endo consultant I seen did not do very much for my long term problems im kinda stuck in no mans land just waiting for someone to help. I am on no meds for endo just wheat free diary free caffeine free diet, my doc's answer to all questions is the pill which also is not working
Ok firstly you need to get a second opinion from new gp,I had to do this. Call your local gp surgeries and ask if you can speak to the practice manager regarding their policy on endo and make an appointment with senior partner. Tell the practice manager That you are not happy with the care you are receiving regarding your endo. Once you get to see new gp insist on pain relief ie tramadol and also urgent referral to endo specialist for larparoscopy. Do not let them fob you off. You can also call your hospital patient liason service and make a complaint about waiting time for your apps with consultant tell them how much pain your in. Also look at bsge.org.org which will give you a list of specialist endo consultants and call them. Xx
That was my only symptom ive had my endo removed , and that was a month and a half ago , and it's still painful now though not as bad, the only thing any one has said, gyne , consultant, gp , is different positions, and pain killers which are useless, I'm only 20, ive been only the pill for a few years and its no good and ive tried a few, the next step which ive heard can be very helpful is the mirena coil, I'm going to have one fitted at the end of the month, however I know for some women they have to have it taken out after a few weeks due to pain ect, have you tried this yet? Good luck with everything and I'm going to follow your post , hopefully I'll find a solution to! X
Dollar1441, Im so sorry you are going through this already im 33 and this year is the first of painful sex problem, I hope for us both we find a solution.
I have not tried the coil as I just am not able for any more procedures been through so much already and im just exhausted Pain killers do noting for me either
Thanks Victoria044 for giving me and others info on how to get best care. It is a fight to get the correct best help. understand that rectovaginal and sex problems can be caused by neuro damaged areas after
previous surgery - so I am waiting to find out if my future sex life is damaged for always.
I was told and only offered a visit with a sex therapist without getting any laparoscopy check up. I needed
your support as there are adhesions to my vagina. Adhesions cause pain. So why not remove the root
to the pain instead of giving medecine,,,,,,
Hi goldeneyes, as far as I am aware the only sure fire way to treat the pain associated with endo is to have it removed surgically by a specialist surgeon. I've tried most painrelief and the only one that gives me any help is diazepam and oral morphine. As for my sex life only time will tell after my next major surgery, however I am hoping that my mri scan in a week might shed some light. The one thing I know from experience is don't be fobbed off and get second or even third opinion until you get the treatment you need. Best wishes xx