When to take Mefanamic Acid: My Gynae... - Endometriosis UK

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When to take Mefanamic Acid

Amb43 profile image
13 Replies

My Gynae prescribed me Mefanamic Acid back in December, have only just got them, very long story, and not sure when I take them.

Do you take them at the start of your period, or do you take them all the time for pain?

I am not due to see her again until mid April, but am on waiting list for Lap, and seeing Back Pain Managment Clinic (I have had constant lower back period pain for four months now, resulting in taking Oramorph on top of all my other pain meds.)

Thank you ladies xx

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Amb43 profile image
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13 Replies
marblesgone profile image


I take mine when I know the pain is coming. I take one with every meal. sometimes I stagger the last one in 2 stages - half with dinner and then half with a very light snack just before bed. if you take them on an empty stomach, they could make you nauseous. they've made me vomit with no food.

I'm taking 500mg.

they were good for me when my pain was only around tines of the month but I get pains pretty much all the time so I'm going to see if I can take something else during the other times.

plus side is I found my bleeds weren't as heavy whilst taking them and it certainly helps reduce the cramps. that and a hot water bottle and duvet day :)

good luck.

hope they help you too

Rufio profile image

I was advised to start taking it the day before my period was due then regularly during but at the time I was prescribed them they didn't do a lot (was before I was referred to a gynae and had treatment / diagnosis etc). Good advice re: taking with food. Personally I prefer naproxen. Might be an idea to book an appointment with your doctor to discuss pain control and what is right for you. Good luck x

cupcakegirl profile image

Do you maybe mean transexamic acid rather than mefanamic acid, TA is to reduce bleeding and MA is a painkiller similar to ibuprofen. Just wanted to check as you can take MA at any point in your cycle - I'm not sure when you start TA as its many years since I've taken it.

Amb43 profile image

Thanks ladies, yes it's Mefanamic Acid. I saw Gynae regarding heavy periods, as well as chronic lower back period pain (every day for four months now for which I have been referred to Orthopaedics!!?), So, am assuming she wants me to take it at the time of my period, (whenever that might be!) rather than all the time for my pain (I am already on Cocodamol, Buscopan, Dicolofenac, Tramadol and Morphine). As I understand it, Mefanamic Acid is for both easing flow and pain.

Well, guess I will wait and see if they help. Thanks again for your support xxx

hays profile image

Hey hun, I was prescribed Mefanamic Acid tablets for unexplained chronic lower pains as well as lower back ache. Mine were always associated with my period, one month it was so bad I got taken to A&E. To be honest I tried not to take too many, but if I did it was the day before my period and all during.

I had a lap, dye and hysteroscopy done yesterday, and thankfully they have found why I was suffering, Endometriosis on the left ovary, pelvic region and outside bowel (which would explain the lower back ache)

Hope you get answers soon.

Amb43 profile image

Thank you Hays, that's very interesting, as my main complaint, apart from heavy and erratic periods, is a constant lower back pain every day, you know, that dull, dragging, nagging, aching feeling, which I have always had with my period, only now it is every day, from mild to strong to very strong. Last night was a 10 on the scale and nearly went to A and E.

I have had this now every day for four months and although I am undiagnosed as yet (on waiting list for Lap) I am convinced it could be Endo around my bowel, pouch of Douglas area.

I hope you don't mind me asking, but what was your back pain like, when and how did you suffer with it, and did you have any other pains anywhere.

I hope you are not feeling too rough after your op yesterday, and are able to be rested and comfortable. What will be the next step for you regarding treatment?

Please take good care of yourself and don't rush back into anything. xxx

hays profile image

I have always suffered from IBS and bowel problems, so i'm wondering if the endo's been there all along. The back pain is very low,almost on he bum bone part,bottom of the spine and its a nagging aching feeling, its almost like I want someone to constantly rub it. Mine is usually before my period,during at its worse and for alittle time after. I do also get random attacks of it throughout the month. The worse pains for me where pelvic region, and they were so crippling I was almost sick. Now i know that it was the endo causing that!

I am due back to see consultant in 6weeks, so will see what he says then. As far as i'm aware, the endo by the bowels will be left for now.

Thanks hun,xxxx

Amb43 profile image
Amb43 in reply to hays

That's exactly the pain I have, same place, and radiates out to hips and bum cheeks, and almost as if it's in the tail bone area and back up to the front sometimes. It's nagging, dragging, dull, constant and just like my back period pain. When it is getting quite strong it makes me want to go "Ggggggrrgrrgrr!!". I also have been diagnosed in the past with IBS and only benign polyps were found on Colonoscopy. I do get other, stabbing, sharp, burning pains occasionally in my pelvis.

My pain has changed a bit over the four months since it started, at first I was always better sitting or lying down, and found I couldn't stand for long, which was very frustrating, however, now I am mainly ok while up and around on my feet (just a little achy) but boy do I know it when I sit down afterwards, it comes on so strong. A few times it has been so strong I have contemplated A and E but would rather suffer at home than sit for hours in pain waiting to be seen and then probably sent home again. I have been given Oramorph on top of Tramadol, Buscopan, Voltarol Suppositories and Cocodamol. I desperately try not to take it but I am finding I am needing it more and more.

I bet you were so relieved to have some answers :) Lets hope your 6 weeks doesn't feel like a lifetime waiting, take good care, and thanks for taking the time to write to me. xxx

Amb43 profile image

That's exactly the pain I have, same place, and radiates out to hips and bum cheeks, and almost as if it's in the tail bone area and back up to the front sometimes. It's nagging, dragging, dull, constant and just like my back period pain. When it is getting quite strong it makes me want to go "Ggggggrrgrrgrr!!". I also have been diagnosed in the past with IBS and only benign polyps were found on Colonoscopy. I do get other, stabbing, sharp, burning pains occasionally in my pelvis.

My pain has changed a bit over the four months since it started, at first I was always better sitting or lying down, and found I couldn't stand for long, which was very frustrating, however, now I am mainly ok while up and around on my feet (just a little achy) but boy do I know it when I sit down afterwards, it comes on so strong. A few times it has been so strong I have contemplated A and E but would rather suffer at home than sit for hours in pain waiting to be seen and then probably sent home again. I have been given Oramorph on top of Tramadol, Buscopan, Voltarol Suppositories and Cocodamol. I desperately try not to take it but I am finding I am needing it more and more.

I bet you were so relieved to have some answers :) Lets hope your 6 weeks doesn't feel like a lifetime waiting, take good care, and thanks for taking the time to write to me. xxx

hays profile image

No problem hun, keep in touch. Have they offered you a Laparoscopy?xxx

Amb43 profile image
Amb43 in reply to hays

Yes, am on the waiting list so stalking the postman! lol

Let me know how you get on xxx

hays profile image

Excellent, chase them up too! they can be right slow divs!!

Good luck xxx

Lillil profile image

Thats the same pain I have...it took me ages to be a le to describe it as it just felt soooo deep! Excuse the crudeness, but I also felt like I was sitting on someones fist in my rectum, the pressure was really intense.

I am now two and half weeks post diagnostic lap where they found mild endo in pouch of douglas and lots of scaring. They managed to laser it and I need to start on the fake menopause injections which i will have for three months.

I was wiped out for first three days, but then got easier and energy gradually building. Am still off work at the moment as have an energetic job.

The pressure pain has gone but am still getting the lower back pain and hip pain and had occassional servere spasms that I have needed tramadol for :( am hoping the injections will help with that though. I am also going to start the endo diet at the end of the month to see if that helps some symptoms as I have ibs also.

Just wanted to reassure that this servere pain doesn't always mean servere endo or thT everything is stuck down.

Best of luck ladies xxx

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