Does anyone suffer with chronic lower back pain? (I have had it every day for four months and now on Oramorph alongside Tramadol, Buscopan etc.
How would you describe it?
Do you know why you have this pain?
Thank you ladies. xxx
Does anyone suffer with chronic lower back pain? (I have had it every day for four months and now on Oramorph alongside Tramadol, Buscopan etc.
How would you describe it?
Do you know why you have this pain?
Thank you ladies. xxx
Hi amb
I have the lower back pain too, but I've kidney problems too. Have you been to the doc?
I've recently had ureter surgery to both sides and stenting done, which first side was quite major.
Please if you haven't already make an apt x
Thanks nickym1d, yes, have seen doc, and got as far as my first Gynae appointment which was a complete farce (another story) and after complaining I am now on waiting list for Laparoscopy.
How would you describe your lower back pain, and has it's cause been diagnosed?
Hope you are doing ok xxx
Yes I do, still don't know if it is linked to years of extensive endo and adhesions and nerve pain or partly muscular skeletal. Either way, I am convinced it is all connected to my above problems with endo and related scar tissue causing organs to adhere together which also can cause nerve pain when it pulls, pinches and tugs. The low back is like a circuit board of nerve endings so any problems in the stomach, pelvis, bowels, bladder will be linked to low back pain.
Thanks Juleyanne, sounds very similar. The back really is complex when it comes to pain and do wonder that it maybe musculare skeletal but I am also convinced its' Endo related - maybe in the Pouch of Douglas, bowel etc. How would you describe your pain?
Hope you are doing ok. xxx
yes i used to have this very very badly last yr it was in my lower back and would paiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin when id go to the toilet to urinate but it was actual pain in my lower back i thought i had a kidney problem but later found it had to do with my ende i am a fitness instructor and have always been smaller and taken care of myself but the pain is agonising felt like knife being stuck into my lower back and id almost cry
No, don't think the Gp is really sure either. This condition seems to be all about self diagnosis, guess work and lots of ooh and umms from the medical profession, plus an awful lot of 'if in doubt blame IBS' even if you have history of endo and adhesions! I think that just about sums it up!
Hi again Juleyanne, just seen another of my posts you replied to where you said you also have a tilted Uterus. Has it ever been involved in your Endo in any way.
I'm convinced that's what my back pain is.
Hmmmm curiouser and curioser. Have my first Lap next week so hopefully on the road to discovery.
Take good care x
I know exactly what you mean! I have my own theory as to what my problem is and hopefully will find out next week when I have my first Lap. I also was diagnosed with IBS many years ago, and this is a whole different experience altogether.
Hope your pain is easy on you today. x