Endometriosis and water infections. - Endometriosis UK

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Endometriosis and water infections.

samanthac profile image
18 Replies

Does anyone else suffer with a lot of water infections? Had to go to out of hours cause my womb spasms are getting worse but he's not dooh anything because it's just a water infection on top of the endometriosis. Is this common?

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samanthac profile image
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18 Replies
Lillil profile image

Im awaiting to find out if i have endo but bladder and womb spasms were my first symptom. They were and still are horrendous. Could be anything from mild irritation to feeling like i was passing a stone. I have found that buscopan you can buy over counter or at tescos etc which is ised for ibs spasms really helps me along with drinking lots or cranberry juice, cranberry tablets and heat bags.

Hope this helps. Really feel for you xxx

samanthac profile image

Thanks tried the heat patch and the buscopan as well as naproxen. Still bad. It's got 24 hours to get better I will will will be in work Monday!!! !

Lillil profile image

Drink like you' ve never drunk before to flush it all out. I was in agony before xmas rocking and nearly passing out everytime I went to the loo with a uti on top of pain. Ended up on two courses of antibiotics, have they started you on anything? And sent sample to lab? If not go back. Even if it is on top of endo they should still treat it seperately.

If it's stinging whilst you are passing, try pouring warm water over yourself whilst its coming out-sorry for graphic detail! It works and avoid caffeine, fruit juice except cranberry juice and any citrus fruits as will all make urine more acid and painful to pass. I had to take codeine Nd tramadol too, but antibiotics started working in 48hrs. Good luck x

jojo777 profile image

I had two uti back to back just before endo was diagnosed. As I can see by all written in this site, it is quite common. x

After my endo was removed I hadnt had any other uti infections.

samanthac profile image

Thanks I don't have any symptoms no extra toilet urges, no burning and no problems going. Taking dihydricodiene for the womb pain and paracetamol, pretty sure I rattle when I walk lots of tea which makes me go like a trooper!! They tested my water at docotors and it was positive for infection.

I have been getting them dor a few years but doctors didnt know how when I'd not had sex or anything lol

EndoEm profile image

Really feel for you. Before I was diagnosed I had very bad water infections.

First up: insist they send your urine off for culture every time you get an infection. This will show whether it's the same bug each time and whether you're on the right antibiotics.

Second: cranberry juice will only help prevent e.coli infections. Once you have an infection switch to water. I tried the satchets but they taste horrid and water works just as well

Third hygeine: allways wipe front to back- even if it's just wee. If you do manage to have sex make sure you and your partner wash before and after, try and wee straight after, and use lots of lube.

If the results from the lab are negative considere that you may have endo on the bladder or even nerve damage to the bladder due to previous infection.

Hope you feel better soon xxx

Andypandy profile image

Hi sp glad to read that someone else had what u have!! I have been admitted to hospital 4 times in 2 months with water/ kidney infection n sent to urology to now be told its Endo around my urethra! I am now having surgery on the 22nd to have my uterus cut away due to being diagnosed with ademyosis n n urologist to do the rest!! I have seriously had enuf! N don't no if any one else get severe back ache also!! So I'm in bed again:-( feeling sorry for myself.x

ilovemykids profile image

Hi I was exactly the same, only this time I was treated with 3 lots of different antibiotics one after the other. I've been admitted twice to hospital with severe back ache, burning all the time down there worst when passing urine, constant throbbing down there. When I do go I get really sharp pains same with bowel only that does not burn. I've had countless urine tested only to show leukocytes and blood, they have now put it down to my endo. I've been like this since Nov and I'm waiting for them to decide to give me another lap which they are reluctant to do, gp is on my side so I will see on the 15th Jan weather they will give me one. I've had 3 laps, last one in May 2009 so can't see why they dont do another one, all I know is I cant continue to live like this. I'm a staff nurse and have been off work since Nov and I need to return to work, also my family have put up so much with me, especially my husband. X x

samanthac profile image

thanks guys you have all been fantastic, i have had a dozen infections in the last 18 months. i am tired and fed up though my mother just came and kidnapped me to take me to hers for a Sunday roast, was very nice of her!!I'm feeling really down and just feel like i am dragging everyone down with me!

i was thinking about going to out of hours again today just to keep kicking up a fuss and so i dont get forgotten but then i think i know whats wrong and i should just wait quietly for them to call me (if thats whats supposed to happen next i dont have a clue!!)

Andypandy profile image

Go back to ur gp n get them to refer u to urologist n gyny that's what I did did me MRI scan n kidney scans to find Endo all around my urethra hence now surgery!:-(

LeyaC profile image

I have this exact same problem and I just drink A LOT of cranberry juice and it sounds strange but if it stings, spread your legs as far as they'll go when you're going (don't wee on the floor lol) and it sort of passes the area that it touches usually that causes the sting. Also, in relation to the GP not listening, I know all to well!! I've found someone who you can pay private or go on the NHS to and they seem pretty good, I'm seeing them soon and they are a specialist endometriosis clinic called Kendoc, visit kendoc.org.uk have a look at what's there, e-mail them, they answer straight back they will see you private or NHS whichever you can do or prefer and they have been VERY good with me so far, I'm very happy. Although, the only problem is the gynae is a man which I know I'm uncomfortable with and perhaps a few of you are to but that was a warning, they have a pain specialist and counsellor and loads, so go check them out :) good luck to everyone and my heart is with you all!!

Leya :)

samanthac profile image

I didnt go to out of hours but will see my gp tomorrow. I have had to take a lot of time off sick from work with 'mystery abdo pain' and I need to go back tomorrow but as you all probably know its too bad to work with so it has 10 hours for the pain to stop and my womb to 'unspasm' (pretty sure thats a made up word) :-P I had a hot bath and when the water was moving I felt sea sick!!

andrea_louise83 profile image

Hey there hun, I suffer with a water infection every 3-4 weeks, sometimes more often. I have endo on the bladder and it has become very scarred from the many times of lasering and the good old endo, as they cannot remove all of it. I take trimethoprim for it every time for 3 days, which generally clears it up. But there is the occasional one that travels to my kidneys and I need a stronger antibiotic. It hurts like hell every time I get a new one. It really is not fun. I feel for you darling. xxx

neal07 profile image

I used to have this feeling always....wanting to go to the loo often. The doctors did so many urine infection,cultures but did not find anything. As I have endometriomas the doctors suggestion I might have endo on my bladder. I am waiting for my lap soon...gp suggested me to take bladder control medicine...it helps with the spasm too. I am fine,but have those urges still. It is a battle with this disease everyday. Good luck.

samanthac profile image

Thanks for all the support saw the emergency gyno today he said that he doesnt think its an infection and he still couldnt do a physical. I have to go back in the morning for an ultrasound. He was going to keep me in but I think I must have real puppy dog eyes. Anyone else had the gringy male gyno thats the same age as you? :-o

rkatie profile image

Hi Sam,

I have always suffered terribly with UTI. I've had test done on my urinary tract etc but have just come to the conclusion that it is connected. I also have IBS which is another factor that can make UTI worse!! Lots of cranberry juice, water and anti-biotics do it for me!!! What a pain! Good luck

nickym1d profile image

I've always been told to steer clear of the cranberry juice... Perhaps I'll be giving it a try

After my recent ureter surgery I've been told to drink as much water as possible to keep my body flushing through constantly and only juice to be a barley water

Whirly profile image

OMG i didnt realise I've been seeing a gynae for my pain and bleeding, I said that I get recurrent bladder infections, normally have three courses of Antibiotics to clear it.

I wasn't sure where the pain was coming from but its in my pelvic area and is normally there everyday( Zoladex is helping I think) it was getting me down,I'm still getting infections so going to see a Euroligist! X

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