How long does this last I don't know wot to expect I never wanted it in the first but because nothing else has worked they just kept going on and on every appointment zoladax worked but course u can't have that long time wish you could please help I'm so scared of this thing x
Pain after mirena coil put in ? - Endometriosis UK
Pain after mirena coil put in ?

How long have you had the coil? I had mine put in about 5 weeks ago, and although I felt a bit strange at first, things have now calmed down and I've felt fine (better than I've felt for years) for the last week or two. It seems that there's a very wide range of experience with mirena - if you're lucky it's great, but you also hear some horror stories (perhaps that's why you're scared of the thing).
I hope the situation gets better soon. Good luck xx
Hi learidd,
First of all im sorry that you experiencing pain. If your concerned about the pain ring your gp and explain that you had the coil fitted but experiencing pain they should see you the same day.
Secondly im shocked that you have by the sounds of it been forced to have it in. I have refused the minera coil several times as I too have heard about the pain and other problems, plus my periods are far too heavy and I didnt feel that it would help. My consultant agreed as I have had 11yrs of injections numerous tablets and ops and non of those have worked or helped.
If you still experience pain and still uncomfortable about having it in. you have the right to refuse that treatment, and should not have been pushed into something that you dont feel comfortable with. Explain this at your gp about being constantly nagged about having it fitted. You may be re-referred for other options.
I hope you manage to get it sorted out, and remember if your not comfortable about the course of treatment you have the right to refuse, dont let them push you into it, it is your right xxxx
Hi Learidd
As Aquitaine said, it takes time to settle, how long have you had it in? Also - and I don't mean to make light of your situation in any way, but I wonder whether you're noticing it more because, as you say, you're scared of it? What exactly are you scared of? If it causes any problems whatsoever, they can whip it out as quickly as they put it in. Try and give it a chance if you can
And on that note - Limbiloo, I just wanted to say - I had my Mirena put in as a very last resort after years of full on anaemia-inducing monthly flooding, I too had tried loads of different pills and potions which hadn't worked and the only reason I hadn't had the Mirena before was because we were still trying to ttc
It completely changed my life as far as bleeding is concerned - I can't remember the last time I used even a normal towel, I've literally gone down from ultra tampons and pads to a panty liner and a lite tampon on the first day. And the only possible side effect I could attribute to it is weight gain. Your consultant should know that because the hormone is delivered locally, if anything is going to work, it's going to be the Mirena
I've had a fabulous experience all round with mine, but if I'd read up on it before it was put in I'm not sure I'd have done it. Thank God I did
C x
everybody i know thats had the coil has had pain with it! My mum,best friend and other friends. if you have fybroids you will get really really bad pain with the coil as the coil irritates them! My mum ended up with so much trouble she had to have a hysterectomy! So deffinately go and get it checked out! dont feel you have to put up with the pain!
I had the mirena fitted about 18 months ago, and although I still experience pain and now and again I get flare ups I can honestly say that things have calmed down now. It took about 6 months to really notice a difference, and certainly for about 3 months I didn't notice much difference, in fact it probably got worse, but my periods are much lighter now. I get most of my pain mid cycle rather than during my period though and it doesn't seem to deal with that.
I hope things calm down for you soon x
mine has been in a year, pretty more forced as in 'if you dont try this there will be nothing else on offer' type of thing - the first week was horrendous, i could barely walk i was in so much pain, then within the next week i had my first period, the whole first month was awful with so much pain, but i was told to persevere, 3months, then 6 months, no give it 9 months - it has not helped my pain one bit, infact i probably have more pain as i never have a minute without pain - my periods are lighter, but are still heavy if you get me but manageable and i am not housebound like i was before so there is that positive, there is no pattern to my periods, i bleed more than 50% of the time, and the days i'm not i'm spotting or this horrid mucousy stuff, it seems silly but i would just love to wear a pair of pants without a liner or towel, cannot remember the last time - greasy hair like i've never seen in my life, and i seem to lose a lot more hair than usual in the first three months, still convinced my hair has slightly thinned too, finally my gp is asking gynae to remove it and do endometrial ablation, my gp says she cannot take it out, it has to be done at the hospital due to my womb being tilted funny :/ - i hope yours settles, some women do get on really well with them but generally women with our types of issues it tends not to always be the 'magic mirena' as promised, i was told it was wonderful, and that i wouldn't have a period hardly ever, and would therefore take away all my pain, and i had high hopes and prayed that it would be the only treatment i needed xxx
Regarding the fibroid issue - the front wall of my womb is one mass of fibroid, but I have scans every six months and they are not growing. I'm also in no more pain than I was pre-Mirena, although I will confess that it hasn't made my pain any better, either.
Mine is 'running out' now and despite the fact that I haven't had children so my cervix has to be opened quite forceably to get it in, which stung quite a bit, I will be having another one. I can't stand the thought of that bleeding again.
Everybody reacts to everything differently, there is no one-size-fits-all solution (yet. Oh, the thought that one day they will sort this out once and for all...)
thanks guys for all your supporting answers i cant say at the moment wether it has helped or not the pain is the same sometimes worse than before it will be a week tomorow i have had it in im not as scared of it anymore thanks to your comments so i really do appreciate it oh chrissie wouldnt it be nice if there was a cure hopefully for the next generation or our grandchildren there will be thanks again to all xxx