It is coming to South Africa in September so I will try it, apparently it is a real break through for endo pain.
Has anyone tried Visanne: It is coming to... - Endometriosis UK
Has anyone tried Visanne

Not sure what it is, if its a natural remedy it should work. Most natural remedies have proved to be very effective. Sorry haven't been much help
Hey, I have been taking visanne for 6 months now. I had my lap December 2011. I'm feeling good, but the pain is still with me. I had a ultrascan and it shown no endo for now so that is good. But it the same time I haven't had my periods since last year, I guess due to the visanne. I have 5 more tablets to take and I'll see what will hapend next. I totatly recomend visanne
if you have more questions feel free to ask all best x
Thanks for your response I am having my lap next Tuesday then I will try the visanne.. Where do you get yours from?
You are recommending visanne but you say that you still have pain? I have taken visanne for 12 days now, on the first day, pain was gone but now it's come back, I thought at first that it was due to my having my periods, which was stopped with another progesterone preparation which I was getting 10mg daily and now I'm down to 2 mg of visanne which is the recommended dose for visanne. Please tell me clearly if visanne has helped you with the pain and if so then after how long?
Hi there
So far u seem to be the only person I can find online that has taken visanne for a substantial period of time-i have sever endo-and my doc has reccomended it.I'm hoping to fall pregnant and know my chances are better if I shrink my endo. Is it still working for you?and are there any terrible side effects I should be aware of?
Many thanks for your time.
Hi, i had lap last month n my doc prescribed me visanne to start from this november. I want to ask tht can i get pregnant with the treatment by visanne? Are there chances of infertility? Cuz ill be marrying soon. Thanku
Hi there. I just started taking Visanne. My doctor has me on it since I have endometrioisis on both my ovaries 😭. Could visanne help shrink them? You mentioned that your scan is not showing any endo.
Will Visanne stop my period?
Thank you
Hi there, I am interested to know what your experience was after visanne treatment. I just got off it last week and started to have white discharge but no period yet. I am not sure if it is good that im having a heavy discharge now. Also when did you do another scan after being on Visanne? Thanks.
Hi there. i know your post here has been a while but I am interested to know what your experience was after visanne treatment. I just got off it last week and started to have white discharge but no period yet. I am not sure if it is good that im having a heavy discharge now. Also when did you do another scan after being on Visanne? Thanks.
where can they get Visanne?? in UK or not??
Hi there you can't get it in the UK yet but you can get it from a pharmacy in canada with a prescription. You need to ask your Doctor/gynae about it. Its available in South Africa in September so the UK might be the same. God I hope it really is the break through they say it is I can't wait to try it. Xxxxx
that a shame really as i am in the UK unfortunately... it is unfair that they sell them in the US or South Africa and what about the England that we all suffering it and i think in the US or South Africa not that suffering as they get the treatment... it is bloody nightmare sorry...
Hey, sorry for the late respond I had my lap in Poland so I got visanne over there. But I live and work in the uk so I have no insurance in Poland and I had to pay for it which was almost £40 for one box. Very expensive. I did ask my gp over here about it but they don't know much
good luck on you lap
take it easy after. Rest a lot
you are gonna be fine for sure
let me know how it went. Xx
I live in Canada and visanne just made it here in January. Prior to that i had the option of seasonique but did not want to take it as i heard terrible things about it. I knew visanne had been used in germany for more than 15 years so i contacted a doctor there and he suggested i try it as it will help a lot. I had my lap last august and did not want to take seasonique, i was okay for the first 2 months then the pain and bloating started again so in January i decided to take Visanne. I feel just fine, i dont have any pain, the bloating is gone away and i only feel very mild discomfort when i am supposed to get my period (which i dont anymore). You can find Visanne in Germany as well and its pretty expensive here as well.
Interested to know if anyone is currently taking this, I know these posts are all old
This drug has just been licences in the Middle East I'm waiting to pick up my prescription...
Any advice ladies x
I've taken Visanne for 9 months. It has completely stopped my periods (which has been nice), endo pain (except in the past week I've felt slight twinges), and it has had no side effects. I obtained it in Spain (52€/mo) but I'm now in the US. (I have a few months worth) Doctor (FP) here hasn't heard of it so I'm nervous how to obtain it and what it might cost? Also, does anyone know how long can we go without a period on Visanne? Thanks for all your help and testimonies!
I took it while I was living in Austria (unfortunately it is not availble where I'm living now). For it to stop the pain, I had to take it all the time and not have a period, but I didn't have the side effects of weight gain and depression that some other treatments cause.
I have been on Visanne for 3 months. I suffered with cysts on my ovaries. My gynae advised me to stop the pill and wait for my normal menstrual cycle and begin the visanne. Since I have started visanne, my skin has broken out terribly, the cramps don't get much better and my period has stopped. I wouldn't recommend this to anyone
I have stage 3/4 endometriosis in all sort of unmentionable places. We also have to monitor my left kidney, since the endo was found throttling my left ureter when I had a lap 10 years ago. It has returned after my two (miracle) kids were born. To treat my recurring endo and hopefully resolve the endo around my ureter, I started on Visanne in 2015.
The first 3 months were really rought! It thought that the Visanne could not possibly be the answer! Then it turned into a miracle drug, as soon as my body was used to it.
I started feeling better than I have ever felt for as long as I could remember. All sorts of symptoms that I never even mentioned disappeared, such as the extreme constant fatigue and muscle pain. I also was used to having pain in weird places (such as under my left breast) that completely disappeared! I once missed 2 doses and ended up with pain in those familiar places.
I can't imagine ever living without Visanne again. I've been on it for 4 years now. It has been amazing, absolutely amazing.
In my 4th month in visanne/dianogest and got more of it now from my GP to take me up to a full year. I feel like yourself a new person and it really works for me. I had few months nearly pain free. Even less migrenes! Everyhing crossed it continues to work for me x