A fairly recent (2013) piece of research found that 10mg of melatonin a day taken at bedtime could help some women with endo by reducing pain and lesions. The results aren't groundbreaking as it seems only about 40% of women tested reported good results but that's good enough to make me give it a try. I would prefer if it said 100%!
Here's the abstract of the study on pubmed ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed...
Also an article that cites it although I think the title is a bit optimistic! healthcentral.com/chron...
Apparently our brains produce melatonin between midnight and 1a.m. when we are in a deep sleep so best to get to bed early!
Have any of you come across this or used melatonin? I'll be speaking to my doctor soon about this and see what he says and I'll report back. He's an open minded type!