Hi everyone
I’ve recently been diagnosed with uterine fibroids and had to have a blood transfusion for blood loss.
I have had my 2nd Decapeptyl injection and take Tibolone as well as iron tablets (I’m also now severely anaemic due to losing so much blood) on a daily basis but things don’t seem to be letting up. I’m still bleeding/expelling clots heavily and getting frustrated with not seeing any improvements - sometimes it’s so bad I’m housebound - is this normal or can someone give me some hope it will get better??
As a family we want to book a holiday to see friends in America - is it safe for me to fly? I have an appointment with my consultant but not until the end of May…I’m currently fighting to bring this forward but not hopeful. I would like to know if flying is ok before booking anything
So sorry for the long winded post but I’m so frustrated and not being able to speak to anyone to get any support is depressing me
If you got this far in my post, thank you