Hi ladies, I'm at a bit of a loss and so thought I'd message on here.
I had a hysterectomy 4 months ago leaving just one very damaged ovary. I had stage 4 endo which was really extensive and I had a fibroid the size of a melon, the Endo had gone to bowels, and ureters and was told I needed surgery quickly otherwise I could end up with kidney failure. I ended up going through a a private consultant as I got my MRI results from NHS 9 months after I had the test and results were bad then so I had a feeling things had gotten worse and I needed to act quickly and got no where with NHS (I was referred in Nov 22 and had to beg for an MRI and was told I'd be lucky, and was seen by a general gynaecologist not an Endo specialist).
I had been doing well with recovery the first couple of months, but then started really struggling with severe anxiety and tearfulness which came on suddenly, night sweats, fatigue and brain fog. I started to feel depressed wondered if it was doubt about surgery and grief of not having had children but then oestrogen levels for tested and were very low.
I've started on HRT for about 3 weeks now but I'm on 25mg patch with progesterone as I get hormone related migraines. I'm not 100% sure if it's related to the progesterone but my pain has come back and all feels similar to pre surgery. When I had Progesterone only pill before my first surgery, it seemed to make the pain worse so I stopped it.
My appointment with NHS was cancelled last week (it is the same consultant I saw privately) and I'm just feeling stuck as what to do it is now in September (it was supposed to be sept last year originally).
Sorry it's lengthy I guess I wanted to hear if anyone has had similar experiences so soon post surgery/ with finding the right dosage with hrt I'm especially concerned about the best thing to do with HRT balancing the risk of Endo coming back with risks of early menopause. Thank you for anyone who has read all this and any responses!