I’m curious as to whether anyone else has had a similar experience to me and can share some advice.
I had my first laparoscopy a year ago now through the NHS. It was an awful experience and the doctor was so dismissive. They found nothing and I was so disheartened. However, because I know my own body and what I’ve been through, I fought to find someone who would perform the procedure again. I’m now currently on the wait list to have a second laparoscopy, this time with a specialist.
I had a consultation with the specialist in October last year and at this consultation he advised me to stop taking my contraceptive pill at least 8 weeks before the procedure, as it can apparently mask signs of endometriosis on examination. I decided to stop taking the pill in November and I haven’t had a proper bleed since. I’m 6.5 weeks post my last ‘period’ if you can call it that as it was 2 days of light spotting, that was all. Anyway, I’m in absolute agony. I can hardly move from my bed, the cramps are unreal, I feel nauseous and have such a migraine. I have all the signs and symptoms my period is going to start and nothing is happening.
I was on the pill for around 15+ years, and the main reason the GP put me on it in the first place was painful, heavy periods. I would bleed through clothing, as well as pass out and faint A LOT. I’m petrified this delay is a sign they are coming back worse than ever