Hi, I posted last year so thought I'd do an update. Long story short I'm 51 and last year i had scans to discover I had an endometrial cyst and fibroid. I had been on hrt for just over a year.
Previously to this I have always had ibs type symptoms and some heavy bleeding but not too much pain but was on some form of contraception such as mirena.
Since discovery of chocolate cyst no medical person has mentioned endometriosis to me but through my own research I believe this is something I have.
Since last year I stopped hrt once cyst was discovered. In my follow up scan they said cyst was gone and that was the end of that.
I have had bowel problems with constipation that I have been to the Dr about for about 3 years and only get sachets which don't help. I have digestive issues, really bad boating and now I'm bleeding for a week then spotting for 2 weeks after. Also feel really ill for few days at beginning like I have flu.
I've been back to the Dr who has done bloods ,urine and stool test. All clear.She is saying symptoms could just be part of menopause. Also saw womens health nurse who did a physical exam, nothing unusual. I discussed possibly having endometriosis and was told that because of my age the gynecologist would not be interested in seeing me.
She referred me for an ultrasound and said if that came back clear we could then consider mirena coil with estrogel which I could have a low dose.
With how I've felt in past few years, no energy, weight gain and above symptoms I'm worried about making things any worse. By trying hrt.
Any thoughts.