This is a long shot but I'm wondering if I can find anyone on here who may have had a similar experience to me.
I have endo, adeno and PCOS and fatigue has always been one of my main symptoms. However, following my laparascopy this improved somewhat and I found ways to manage it/work around the extra bad days.
While I was very lucky to be able to fall pregnant naturally, I was extremely unwell throughout my pregnancy.
I experienced severe exhaustion from the early weeks and was signed off work from week 7.
I was pretty much housebound (bar a short walk each day to try to stay active). I was unable to walk up the stairs (I had to crawl), unable to see my friends, unable to hold conversations for very long, unable to drive, unable to even sew for more than a short time. It was a terrible time and really impacted me mentally.
I had a scheduled c-section as I was too unwell to go through labour. Almost as soon as my placenta was out, I felt considerably better and, fortunately, this has continued.
What I never got answers to was why this happened to me.
I was told throughout my pregnancy by GPs and obstetrics that I should be feeling great due to the effect pregnancy has on endo. This was difficult to hear as I also had pain well into my second trimester and couldn't take my usual painkillers or use heat. I'm not overweight and was averagely fit until falling pregnant.
It's a long shot but if anyone sees this who has had a similar experience, or has any light they can shed, I'd really love to hear from you.