Hi all,
So sorry to post, I'll try my best to keep as brief as possible.
Heavy painful periods since about 16 that was getting progressively worse. Painful sex from about 18. Was on multiple contraceptive pills and nothing helped. Saw Dr's and nurses. Had the coil inserted and was in pain every single day with discharge and bleeding for a year and eventually Gynecologist who said "when you're young you expect everything to be perfect and it's not". I cried for 3 days. But he said to keep with the coil and it will gey better.
And it did! So I kept the coil and still struggled a little so saw another gynecologist who put me on the waiting list for a laperoscopy. I was told the wait would be 18 months. So me and my husband decided to remove the coil so we could start TTC. My coil was stuck, so I paid privately to remove it because I was just so sick of gynea issues! I had to be put to sleep for them to remove it because it was embedded. But only 4 months later I have had the call to get the laperoscopy!!!
Since having the coil out, my periods have been a lot better than I had expected. So now I am not sure what to do!?
I've not had any painful sex. Periods have been painful but not heavy. The last period was the worst, as I get painful urination on my period and that was really bad, and I couldn't move the one evening/ night and into the next morning due to spasms/ cramping that was just horrendous.
Shall I get the surgery.. or do you think because some of my symptoms seem to have vanished.. that I can't have endo??? I wouldn't want to have unesesary surgery or take it away from someone else that needs it more 😪
Any advice or suggestions would be hugely appreciated xx