I am 35 and have two children, 6 and 3. I have always had heavy periods. I suffered two miscarriages before I conceived my second child. Since giving birth to my second child my periods have been very painful and heavy. I flood a lot and have 7-10 day periods every 21-23 days. Sex is painful. I have horrendous back and hip pain that travels into my stomach and groin. When I bleed I get symptoms of urine infection but urine samples are clear. I pass clots, bright red blood, brown blood and tissue.
I was referred to a gynecologist 5 months ago and had a hysteroscopy and an iud fitted. My symptoms are now worse. Saw him yesterday for check up and told him. He said my only options now are endometrial ablation or hysterectomy. Asked for a laparoscopy, he refused and said Endo treated with hormones i.e. coil. Went to GP today and asked for referral to another gynecologist for second opinion. She refused and said hysteroscopy was clear, Endo would have been apparent there. I want another child😞 and I'm in agony x