Hi, I have posted before. Still no change. I had a call from the hospital. They have cancelled my gynaecologist appointment that was due on monday as my consultant bring in accident. She is ok. Should be back next week. I then asked when can I see her. Her next available appointment is 4th Novemver. I said that's not fair. I didn't want it cancelled we should be next and priority due to this and they said no. So everyone else gets there appointment from next week onwards like normal but who ever had it today are at the back of the queue again. I am crying. So upset and feel so let down again. Don't know what to do . I throw up Monday evening as i felt sick for days and had some blood in it. Also had some blood in my stool after wiping. I am in so much pain all the time when going to toilet for wee or stool. And in pain all the time anyway. Can't drive, walk far without being i agony. I have now had 1 month off of work and definitely can't go back yet. What shall I do as no one is taking me seriously. I can't go private as I can't afford it. Mentally I am struggling too. I know I have endometriosis it's just proving it and getting someone to listen. Sorry to rant. Had to get it off my chest.
I need advice. I can't so this anymore.... - Endometriosis UK
I need advice. I can't so this anymore....

Hello, I’m sorry to hear you are struggling so much. It is truly is despicable the position they leave us in whilst on waiting list after waiting list.
Have you made any sort of complaint? To PALS? I’ve had some quick wins in instances where appointments have been cancelled or a waste of time.Absolutely write a written complaint if you haven’t already done so.
I would convey your sympathy for the consultants situation but state how the delay is affecting you mentally/physically. Be clear in pointing out this should not delay your symptom getting investigated/treated. They should have provisions in place should a consultant need to be off for any reason for any period of time. This might not always be possible but that is not your problem, it’s theirs.
They will literally continue to do this to you as long as you quietly let them. Make an absolute noise any time standard of care is not being met. How long have you been waiting for this appointment? I would also give them a timeframe in which you would like a response. Submit via email and if you have not heard back within 7 days. Chase it. Again and again if need be.
Unfortunately, you do really have to fight them for everything.
I hope this helps 🤍
Hi, thanks. I have already made 2 complaints but I will do another one again tomorrow and say all that. Thank you so much. I appreciate it.
Could have written this myself except I haven’t been lucky enough to be given another appointment yet. I’ve to await another letter to call and rebook 🙄 it’s very frustrating. Crawling through each day is the goal right now ❤️
So sorry to hear this hun. If it makes you feel any better, the exact same thing just happened to me, so you're not alone! I've been waiting for months for my follow-up appointment after an MRI. Was meant to be October 17th, but it got cancelled. They said they would send another appointment through, but two weeks went past an I got nothing. So I called them. Now I've got to wait until November 21st. I was super upset too. The waiting is horrible.
Sending you big hugs 💜
I'm so sorry to hear you're going through this. In my experience if gynaes cancel suddenly they will give you another date, but if they get a cancellation and can fit you in sooner they will. Hopefully this will be the case.
It's really tough when you're feeling so rough and it feels like you can't get help. To help yourself mentally through this really focus on self care as much as you can. Do small things for yourself that make you smile. I find when going through tough times it helps if I remind myself to do today today i.e. just focus on what I need to do to get through the next hour. Do whatever you need to do to keep yourself as comfortable as you can, put yourself first, and don't be afraid to say no to others requests. It's not your fault you feel this way, and expressing how you feel is not whinging, it's communication.
Not being able to work can be a worry, but your ability to work is out of your control right now, as is how soon you get your gynae appointment. And if things are out of your control then you can't be held responsible for them either. The only thing in your control is taking care of yourself as best as you can. This will pass and you will get help. It's just shit when you're in the middle of it. I really hope you get your appointment soon. ❤️