I have no idea what to do..
I am currently awaiting my second lap. I had my specialist appointment last month and havnt heard anything yet. I have been trying to continue working (im a community nurse). On Thursday I thought I was going to faint or throw up and my heart rate was going crazy due to the pain. It passed and I continued working. Yesterday I started getting stabbing breast pain along with my abdominal pain. It gets to the point that I cannot sit in a chair, stand or walk. I have to lay down. I was in agony. I contacted my GP who advised I go to A&E. I didn't think this was appropriate. I got my parents to bring me home from work, I layed down for an hour with hot water bottle and heat pads and the pain reduced. However when I moved it still unbearable and I am still getting pain when I lay down. The GP said it could be a burst endometriosis cyst ? I don't know if I should go to hospital or not. Last time I went to a&e before my endo diagnosis I was treated like a teenager making up stomach pain. I don't want to waste there time or money. I equally don't want to go back to my GP on Monday and say i ignored their advice. I also don't think I can stay in the pain I'm in much longer. But I don't know what they will do. Sorry for the essay.