Hi everyone.
Hope you are all feeling as well as possible.
Feeling like a fraud at the moment. I have been waiting well over a year for my first appointment at a BSGE centre (as many others have), it had been cancelled several times. I had a private consultation and MRI last September and I was diagnosed with deep infiltrating endometriosis. At the time I decided to wait for my nhs appointment with Endometriosis Centre but after this was cancelled several times I decided to take out a loan to pay for a private operation. So I had a total hysterectomy back in March, along with bowel shave, bilateral ureterolysis, excision on both USL and rectovaginal areas. I had adenomyosis also.In March 2022 I had a bilateral Salpingo Oophrectomy (spelling probably incorrect).
The operation went well and recovery wasn't too bad however the pain in my lower back remained despite this. My consultant from the private operation advised me to keep my nhs appointment as I was still having some issues following on from the operation. Gradually over the last couple of months the pain in my lower back and across the front of my pelvis has increased. I feind it hard to sit for any length of time. I am really struggling with bowel movements despite eating all the correct foods, taking laxatives, stool softeners, the works. The pains I am having are the same as previously, along with dragging and pulling sensation I had. My appointment had been rescheduled again for 4th October and I was in two minds to cancel this as it can't be endometriosis after the treatment I have had and as it has only be 6 months since surgery perhaps I should leave it and move on.
I have received a phone call today to say that they have a cancellation and can see me tomorrow. Should I go as surely I don't really have the right to go to an Endo center after having the excision and hysterectomy? Am I taking an appointment that really should go to someone else? I am worried that they will day I have wasted an appointment. Feeling so guilty 😔.
Thank you to all who take the time to read this.