I want to share my recent experience with anxiety, heart palpitations, high blood pressure, headaches, dizziness - to inform and to find out if anyone can relate.
4 weeks ago I had an infection. Not sure if it was bacterial or viral. It felt more like covid than the flu. Two weeks into fighting this infection, I'm 2 days away from getting my period.
I start to feel a little off, like my body's working faster than usual. My mind is racing with thoughts. I feel very ADHD like! I'm used to feeling off before I bleed, I put it down to hormonal changes. But the symptoms stop the second menstruation occurs.
HOWEVER, I start my period and my body goes haywire! Heart palpitations CONSTANTLY night and day. Anxiety is through the roof. High blood pressure, where I start to get headaches and feel dizzy. I'm not coherent at all. This goes on for TWO WEEKS!
I see my GP, he confirms high blood pressure and runs blood tests. All are normal, except for my white blood cell markers - my levels for infection/ inflammation are high. Doc says "that's normal" given I had an infection 4 weeks ago... He doesn't seem at all bothered by my other symptoms! SO I go digging...
I believe my immune and nervous system were majorly triggered because of HISTAMINE. After reading into the effects of high histamine & histamine intolerance I've been led to conclude that I may have a histamine problem. Symptoms include: anxiety, headaches, palpitations, vertigo, changes in blood pressure, bladder symptoms... sound familiar?
Such symptoms can be triggered by INFECTION. AND such histamine problems have been linked with ENDOMETRIOSIS.
Moreover - I've been consuming more high histamine foods as of late for my gut health - sauerkraut, bone broth, probiotics.
Since I've cut them, I'm starting to feel better.
So, does any of the above resonate? Please share your stories
Background on me - I was diagnosed with endo 8 years ago via laparoscopy surgery. Not much was removed, if anything. I've since tried to manage my endo with the combined contraceptive pill. I've been through many brands!
Throughout the past 8 years I've been educating myself on endo and also managing my health holistically. I've reached the point where for the past 5 years I've not taken a single pain killer for my endo and for the past 2 years I've been hormone treatment free.