how do you know when to go a&e with an endo flare
Extreme endo flare: how do you know when to... - Endometriosis UK
Extreme endo flare

if the pain becomes unmanageable and you’re in agony and it won’t stop - that’s when I’ve gone to a&e in the past, purely for pain relief x
If you go to A&E don’t let them ignore your pain and palm you off. They can give/prescribe decent medication. If they start going on about opiates there is Nefopam which is non opiate.
Hope you feel better soon
To be honest, if you're considering going, it's probably bad enough. I phoned 111 and they've told me to go to A&E before. Just having them say "go!" helped validate my feeling that it was time to go.
I hppe you're doing ok <3
Definitely go if you're at that point! I've been three times this year and all times have resulted in admissions because of where has gathered. Often what we put up with is absolutely not normal.
Sorry to just jump on I hope that's okay! Just scouring the forum as I am currently undiagnosed but looks very likely still waiting for gynae appt, a&e has been an almost the last few nights but again I hate feeling like I won't be taken seriously 🥺😴 I'm in agony! What did your admissions involve if you don't mind my asking, like length? Investigation? Pain meds etc? I'm so torn but just can't take this pain! 😩