I’ve had my first excision surgery on Monday to remove endo that was everywhere (bowel, bladder and ovaries they were stuck together and stuck to bowel ) I also had the dye test to check my tubes. Surgery went really well and my surgeon managed to get rid of all the endo and cysts. Unfortunately I have one blocked tube but the other tube is clear. The consultant told me I can start to try for a baby as soon as I feel ready and I’ve had a normal period. Although how I feel at the moment that won’t be for a while I’m so sore and feel like my insides have been hit by a bus. I’ve got such mixed emotions I’m so happy they managed to get rid of all the endo and everything went ok but I’m upset as I only have 1 working tube as I’m desperate for a baby. Is this normal? My belly button hurts the most and I wonder how long it takes to recover from surgery? Sorry for all the questions just got no one to talk to about it.
First Surgery recovery and 1 blocked tube... - Endometriosis UK
First Surgery recovery and 1 blocked tube advice

Hi Disney, I had my first lap last week and found I have a blocked tube too, we’ve been trying for baby no2 for nearly 4 years now so my personal advice is start when you’re ready. I’m on day 6 and just starting to feel ‘normal’ again but I haven’t taken pain relief for about 24 hours now which is a bonus xx
I just can’t wait to feel normal again even just to walk properly. Gosh 4 years is a long time I hope having your lap will have helped you to conceive baby no2. I will start as soon I have recovered and track my first period but I don’t feel very hopeful at the moment.
Feel free to PM me if you like. We could be blocked tube TTC friends 😂😍
I had one blocked tube and my other ovary was stuck to my pelvis. I still got pregnant no problem and now have two beautiful children. I have always recovered quite quickly but every lap is different. Don't worry and start trying as soon as your ready. There are other things that can help too to get pregnant including diet. I was told to go gluten free to reduce inflammation and it worked. Xx
Ps I also had acupuncture. Baby no. 1 I got pregnant straight away. Baby no. 2 was six months and I got pregnant after having acupuncture and going gluten free and eating organic. I may not of needed to do all of this as it was only six months but I was worried so tried everything xx
that’s so nice to hear. It’s so good to hear positive stories like yours. I have been looking at so many different things to try and help get pregnant for when I start starting and started it before I had the op. My diet is quite good as I try eating lots of anti inflammatory and antioxidant foods really help with pain I don’t smoke or drink. I will be taking pre pregnancy vitamins to try and help too. I have also been doing caster oil packs before I had the op I will look into acupuncture too as I would try anything to help really. Thankyou so much for your advice. X
They say it's good to take the pregnancy vitamins 3 months prior to trying so would be good to start those now. I think it's to do with your eggs maturing for three months. Also get your partner on board with the vitamins too. I would highly recommend going gluten free too as I really noticed the reduction in bloating when I did that. And I month later I was pregnant the second time. If you get an acupuncturist that specialises in pregnancy they will hopefully also advise you on diet and certain vitamins too. Good luck!! Xx
Can I please ask, did any one have to get Zoladex injections prior to surgery. My doc told me I need to have to prepare my uterus fir surgery? I am not keen at all to do that.
I didn’t need the injection but the consultant told me I had to be on the pill back to back until surgery. He was going to give me the injection after surgery to help but he knew I wanted to try for a baby and said I could try when I’m ready and never told Me I needed to have the injection I will be seeing him again soon for a follow up which I will be able to talk to him so much more about all the questions I have x
Hi, my surgery sounds exactly the same as yours. Although my ovaries were in great condition. My belly hurt for about 3 weeks post op. It turned out I had a small infection in one of the scars so as soon as I had stitches removed and 1 week of anti biotics I was fine! Don’t be worried about the 1 tube, I’m the same! Apparently it doesn’t lessen your chances as the tube that works will catch any egg that’s released from either right or left ovary. How long have you been ttc? Positivity is the best thing as hard as it is x
I’m going to go to my gp next week to get a check up and possibly a sick note as I don’t have any at the moment so I will get them to check everything over. Yeah the consultant said the one tube collects the egg from either ovaries I just don’t know how that works but I will have to see. I haven’t started trying yet. I was trying last summer but my consultant told me to stop and have surgery first as it will increase chances and with how bad it was I’m putting myself at risk so put me on the pill till surgery which I came on on Sunday so now it’s just waiting to get better to start trying x