Just wondering if anyone has had a similar experience:
mirena fitted feb of this year to prevent endo returning after pregnancy so just coming up to the 6 month mark. For the first few months I had non stop bleeding (which I was expecting because it happened the first time I tried the coil, but I ended up having it taken out because pain and bleeding was so much worse).
This time round was the same, almost permanent bleeding, but much less pain thankfully. Then out of the blue it settled and I felt human again for about 6 weeks, no period, sex drive came back, no bloating or mood swings. Unfortunately it’s all gone haywire again and I’ve now had five periods within the last few weeks, some a couple of days long, but one was five days and felt like a normal period. My belly looks like I’m pregnant, my clothes don’t fit, I’m exhausted, emotional and having sporadic clotting and tissue like discharge to the point where I’m panicking I’ve had a miscarriage ? Alongside bleeding and more severe pain than I’ve had in months.
Anyone experienced similar and did it ever settle if so? Thank you ❤️