Still no sign of a diagnostic laparoscopy yet… had a little telling off from gynae because I chased for a date of when it is likely to be.
The pain seems to be getting worse, it is constant, I use work as a distraction (which is a good thing- I work in an office so it’s nothing strenuous) and then I come home and climb into bed because that is about as much as I can handle.
Paracetamol are like sweets now, can’t remember the last time I didn’t take them. I have to constantly have a heat patch or hot water bottle attached to me (my tummy is a different colour to the rest of me- amusing really) … ooh has anyone used cold patches or anything like that? The heat is a bit much in summer so wondered if that worked the same?
Gynae man has suggested Zoladex injections to help with the pain, my GP and nurses, in the past have told me that this is quite drastic and sort of put me off the idea. Once I received my letter telling me that this operation is not priority to cancer or a car crash (which I completely understand) I thought that I would follow instruction and see what this bad boy can do. I have my first injection on Tuesday and currently feel like I have menopausal symptoms anyway so how different can it be?
I’ve never had children and I’m sure that I would be told off by any mother who has gone through it but every now and again, the stabbing pain feels like what I can only imagine a contraction to be like. I’ll be rolling around on the floor trying not to throw up and feel terrible because I hate making a fuss about anything.
I’m sorry for the massive rant. Being told to talk to people and “breathe through the pain” is getting a little bit old now.
I’ve been waiting for over 12 months for the laparoscopy but I’ve been waiting since the age of 15/16 to get this far so I suppose there’s a little silver lining.
Has anyone else had Zoladex? Does it help pain? Any advice?
I also don’t want anyone to suggest exercise or yoga again… I am now a very fit person (that’s another story) and really want to do all the things I love, like yoga and walking and the exercise bike but I can’t bend, exercise makes me feel sick and I just want to cry.
Not knowing what it exactly is, when they’re likely to find out and putting my life on hold is getting to me just a tad… I’m sure you all understand that particular pain.