I had a community gyny appointment today and they have told me as tricycling my pill isn’t helping they want me to try 6 months worth of zoladex injections. Has anyone else tried this? I’m quite scared about it. I got the impression they want me to do this after my next laparoscopy but I may have misunderstood that?
Zoladex? : I had a community gyny... - Endometriosis UK

Hiya, i took zoladex for a few months ahead of a hysterectomy that i need to have due to endometriosis. Unfortunately i had to stop taking it as it made me feel so awful. They gave me hrt to counteract some of the effects, but i found the side effects of the medication too much. The nausea and exhaustion was too much for me. However, everyone is different and it may suit you. It stopped my periods so i had no pain , which was a bonus. Good luck with it all..xx
Hi I had Zoladex injection for 3 months after surgery (endometriosis). Before the injections, I was using pills but it wasn't working. The Zoladex helped. The only side effect I had was weight gain. Good luck dear.
Yes I had similar thing. Had diagnostic lap then they gave me treatment of three monthly zoladex injections. Before them I used to bleed almost constantly, with ten days on two off 8 on 1 off 3 on... You get the idea 😋 also as well as feeling run down constantly I had to take 3-4 outfits in rucksack when I did go out on odd occasion as bled right through clothing, changed bedding daily sir to heavyness. That side of things since on injections had disappeared so I only have to deal with pain now. Yes I have bad side effects and take hrt to combat symptoms like constant hot flushes, but I feel personally it's well worth the sacrifice as able to go out house to shops for an hour without a back pack of clothing and wipes etc. Everyone is different so if frightened to dive in you could always enquire about the one monthly injection instead of three monthly one as at least if you can't deal with side effects it won't take long to get out of your system. Good luck and keep the faith that eventually you will get sorted. I'm going back in January and hoping to get eventually my hysterectomy as until now due to complications with thyroid cancer and treatments that option had been off the table!! I'll keep my fingers crossed that this option suits you 🤞🏼🤞🏼🍹
Thank you so much for all the info, has really helped! Good luck with your operation, sending lots of positive vibes for you xxxx
Just had my second zoladex injection yesterday ..... so a month in and I'm feeling pretty positive ...( I've had 2 laparoscopic surgeries in the past 4 years and had my fallopian tubes removed due to endosalpingios I have some endometriosis that was near my bowel that couldn't be removed at the time I did feel better for a while but gradually I started to feel poorly again being tired all the time and the pain came back 😱) I tried prostap in the past but it was horrendous I hated every second of the 3 months ... so was quite reluctant to try zoladex but I can say up to now apart from a few hotflushes i feel pretty good the pain is better I dontfeel so lousy yes they not the most pleasant of injections but I feel like I've regained a bit of my life back .... I'm hoping to stay on them for six months then have a hysterectomy... I'm 48 and there's been no sign of the menopause so consultant is happy to do hysterectomy after the 6 months if the pain goes . I hope everything goes well for you they are worth a try .... I'd try anything to stop the misery of endo 😠