Hi there,
I am really struggling. I have always felt like something was not right about my menstrual cycle. I’m now 22, and have been bleeding consistently and sometimes heavily since December 2023. This is the worst it has ever been, and I finally decided to seek treatment for something I have ignored time and time again in April.
Since then I have had countless doctors tell me I am imagining my symptoms. I have been prescribed steroid cream to be applied externally as my bleeding was described as a result of sexual intercourse. I have changed my birth control pill twice, but have been met with the same/worse symptoms. I had a physical exam, where I was told I had a visible cervical bleed, but this information was “lost” and my promised referral for an ultrasound was never made.
4 weeks ago I followed up on this referral, and was told finally by a doctor that I likely had endometriosis, and it was like a lightbulb went off in my mind. However, I was told it was unlikely I would be referred successfully for an ultrasound without “proof” of endometriosis symptoms - never mind that I have a list as long as my arm! As such, I was referred for a blood test with regards to my ovarian markers - and this came back normal.
As such, my request for an ultrasound has been denied. I live in the UK so this would be NHS, so my only other option would be to go private, as a doctor told me they have exhausted all options to understand my symptoms and I should just “accept” that bleeding is now part of my lifestyle for the forseeable.
Today at work I bled through an incontinence pad. I’m embarrassed, in pain and sad. I wish someone would recognise that what I’m going through is surely abnormal? My iron levels are incredibly low, and I don’t want to continue worrying about bleeding through every single day.
Does anyone have any advice on how to get someone to notice me? I’m sure there are others like me - I understand it can be hard to get a diagnosis, let alone a referral? I’m really desperate to finally get some answers, and any of your expert advice would really mean a lot to me. After finding this forum today I already feel tons more validated in my experiences - thank you to everyone for being strong and wonderful women. It makes me feel like I can do this.