I had a laparoscopy privately last August and it came back clear. My symptom have not changed (possibly worse) and I am at a complete loss of what to do. I have constant right pelvic pain, I had the coil fitted a year ago and no longer have periods however I often get excruciating pain (worse than the usual constant pain) then have spotting straight after. I also have upper right leg pain which can sometimes be worse that the pelvic pain, bowel issues and slight bleeding after sex. When I last spoke to my Gynaecologist he was adamant that there was nothing there, he said he checked everywhere and there was no sign of endo. I am not sure what to do as I can only go by his guidance however I know my body and I know this is not normal. I feel I can no longer do day to day activities I used to love, I'm drained by the time I get home from work and exercising is so difficult with the pain being constant. Any help or advice would be appreciated, thank you x