Hi, I have struggled with severe symptoms of endometriosis since I was 13 such as vomiting and passing out due to the pain I was experiencing. I have been put on every contraception you can think of since and so far only the depo injection has been able to mostly control the symptoms, except a few flare ups. I am now 19 and will most likely be having a laparoscopy to diagnose it at some point this year, however, in the past couple of years I have developed severe emetephobia (fear of throwing up) and am quite worried that the laparoscopy may trigger it due to potential nausea and vomiting from the surgery. Did anyone experience nausea or vomiting from their laparoscopy and if so, how severe was it?
Endometriosis and Emetephobia: Hi, I have... - Endometriosis UK
Endometriosis and Emetephobia

Hey chicken, I can't advise on the nausea with a laparoscopy as I haven't experienced that. However, I just wanted to say that I also suffer with quite severe emetophobia and I know how debilitating it can be, especially with endo pain so extreme it makes you sick (I experience this too). One thing I have found helpful though is a medication called Phenergan which is anti sickness tablets you can ask for from the chemist and they are the only anti nausea medication that has ever worked for me. Just having them in my bag whenever I am out and about really helps me to stay a bit calmer knowing that if I start to feel sick I can take one and will feel better shortly after if that makes sense?
Don't know if that helps at all but just wanted to remind you that you're not alone💗💗
Thank you so much! This is really helpful and has made me feel a lot less alone because they both interact with each other in a crappy way as the stress from my emetephobia can cause flare ups but the flare ups also make me feel nauseous so I'm glad that I'm not alone going through both at the same time
Hi in my experience, they gave me anti-sickness medication when I came round from the surgery... that being said, I did munch on ginger-nut biscuits afterwards so that might have helped too. I suspect if you make them aware prior they will monitor you even more and make sure you are comfortable. Hope everything goes smoothly for you on the day.
Hello, I’ve had Emetophobia since I was 15, I’m 49 now. It’s horrible isn’t it I didn’t even know it was a thing until 2 years ago I thought and others thought I was just odd. Anyway, when I started with my illness in November ‘suspected ovarian cancer’ my biggest fear was how will I cope with the vomiting with treatment!! Turns out it wasn’t OC thankfully but had to have my ovaries removed as they were borderline. Day of op I told them my fears also needles , blood tests as they make me feel sick. I don’t think anaesthetic agrees with me I had surgery at 1.30 I did not come round properly till 8pm I felt rough. I was sick, it was only water due to not eating for hours. What was weird, I was glad to as I felt so much better that was the first time in 15 years. I did ask them for anti sickness meds before my op but not sure if they did. When you’re getting your cannula in tell the anaesthetist at the time. Good luck, the fear is worse but you can do this xx
Both my laps I’ve been given really good anti sickness by the anaesthetist and not had any vomiting. I had a little nausea more from the pain from the incisions in the first couple of days but no vomiting and once I got on top of painkillers the nausea settled. They want to avoid you having vomiting anyway as it’d hurt your tummy and stitches. I had some buccastem at home for post op just in case (I get migraines so have it in) - given your concern, when they do your discharge medication from hospital you could always ask for some. With buccastem you put it between your lip and gum and it absorbs that way.
Yes on one of my Laps I did vomit. All others over the yrs not. The reason being that you should get a anti sick drug given when you have the Lap with the Anesthetic. Ask for it!