Would anyone mind sharing their experiences of using HRT after oophorectomy+ hysterectomy?
I'm wondering whether to persevere with trying to find something better, or just give up entirely.
Thanks 🙂
(I had my op years ago. Took over 2 years to get past the meno symptoms (no HRT). Thought it was over and done with, but then gradually developed lots of physical symptoms of long term hormone deficiency - muscle loss, bone loss, dry eyes, lack of energy..just lots of stuff.
So I tried Oestrogel, Utrogestan and Testogel. Physically, it's reversed a lot of symptoms, so my body does need the hormones, but it's totally messed up my sleep cycle (only getting 2 - 3 hours a night now) and am getting lots of meno symptoms that I hadn't had in years (palpitations, night sweats, mood problems....) plus some side effects of the meds. Whenever I try to cut back, even a small amount, I get withdrawal symptoms...Utrogestan was the absolute worst. I've come off that now, but I still wake up at night and can't get back to sleep and I'm getting endo-like symptoms without it, so can't carry on like this.)