Hi there everyone, I hope you’re all having a lovely day wherever you are. I was only recently officially diagnosed with endometriosis after having an MRI for it. During the consultation I was given two options which was either starting a course of medroxyprogesterone to see how I’d get on as it may help or to go straight for a laparoscopy, I went for the medroxyprogesterone as I thought I’d see if it would work for me rather going straight for the invasive option but I’ve just been having the worst side effects possible since starting them. I’m getting the obvious ones such as headaches and nausea but I’ve also had extreme low moods, breast tenderness, loss of appetite as well. I was wondering if anyone else has or is on them as well and if so, have you also had similar side effects? I feel so awful on them, they also contain lactose which I’m allergic to and they haven’t eased any of the pain, I’m still in agony.
Provera (medroxyprogesterone): Hi there... - Endometriosis UK
Provera (medroxyprogesterone)

I was able to take them for a long time without any problems, but I know many people are sensitive to these hormones and it sounds as if you are. I would say just contact the Gynae ( may need to go through your GP and ask for an alternative. Hope things improve for you.
Thank you so much for your reply, I don’t know if it’s the hormone itself or the fact that it contains lactose to be completely honest. It’s odd because a side effect is weight gain but I’ve lost a considerable amount of weight since being on them. I have colleagues pointing out that I look thinner. It may be the lactose as I’ve had really bad diarrhoea since starting them which has made me feel quite unwell to the point of not being very hungry. I think my only option will be the laparoscopy because most tablets do contain lactose in them and it’ll be the same issue again and again. I have another consultation booked in for November so I’ll have to discuss my options then.
The low moods, breast tenderness I would think are much more likely to be caused by the progesterone. I don’t know about how the lactose would affect you, I am actually lactose intolerant myself but I can tolerate small amounts.
You don’t have to keep taking them if they are actually making things worse for you, You could discuss with your GP if not with the Gynae.
Best of luck.