morning all. I’m feeling right sorry for myself this morning. I have endo on the bowel and am awaiting a lap. Been waiting 9 months so far with no update. Having prostap every month while I wait. One of my main issues is constipation. I am prescribed Laxido which generally helps but leaves me with some side effects like any laxative (flatulence, bloating etc). I’m currently camping and didn’t take any for over a week because I was enjoying life without the side effects. Left it too long and haven’t been in over a week now. Feel horrible. Bloated, sluggish, nauseous, pain. It really wasn’t worth not having any. I need to basically have half a sachet every couple of days without fail. Worst time for this to happen as I’ve had to up the Laxido no which isn’t ideal on a camp site. We couldn’t be much further from the toilets!! Oh well, nothing more I can do. Just feeling sorry for myself.
constipation: morning all. I’m feeling... - Endometriosis UK

Hi! So sorry you're having a bad day constipation is horrific, it has so many knock on effects! Are you doing any diet changes to try reduce constipation? They are not a cure but might help even slightly? Xxx
Morning. I struggle in some ways as I also have ibs and that can give me diarrhoea. It’s a no win situation really. I have swapped everything to wholewheat/whole grain. My diet is generally better at home but obviously some things are limited when staying in a tent.
Wheat/gluten can be bad for some people with endo, though this isn't a hard and fast rule. Some people say they cope fine with it, others are totally unable to eat it! Have you researched the FodMap diet? Or the endo diet? For FodMap you would totally eliminate all the risky food and drink items, so dairy, wheat/gluten, caffeine, red meat, soya, alcohol etc. Have a Google and you'll find loads of advice. The idea is to totally eliminate everything, then gradually reintroduce each food item one by one, that way if any symptoms occur you can be aware which food item causes the problem. Some of us find no relief at all with diet, others have reported amazing results. It is so personal, but we don't know until we give it a go I've heard so many people on here say they have IBS and i do wonder how many actually have it, and how many are having IBS like symptoms from endometriosis, as there is a cross over in symptoms which causes the confusion for GPs. Since theres no actual test for IBS it does make me think, do they just fob us off with that when really it is the endo? Worth looking into! xxx
Thank you. My diet is much better when I’m home and not so constipated. Not easy in a tent. I do agree with the ibs diagnosis. I was diagnosed with that far too quickly and before I was diagnosed with endo. I have always suspected it’s more to do with the endo than ibs. I always used to have more diarrhoea. The constipation is relatively new. I will have a look into different diets when I’m home. Thank you.
Have you ever noticed that the constipation/diarrhea lines up with your cycle at all? I tend to get bad diarrhea when I'm on my period and constipated when I ovulate lol. It cycles between the two on bad weeks, some days I have bad urgency to go to the toilet but I'm still constipated...which is a very strange thing lol. But everything kicks up and gets worse in the days leading up to my period. Though I'm yet to experience a proper period since my surgery and menopause injections, so it isn't happening like that currently. In a tent? Are you camping lol? Xxx
Yes I’m camping. 10 day mini honeymoon just to get away before a proper honeymoon next year. Just nice to be away (though my bowel doesn’t agree haha).I haven’t had a period in over a year since starting prostap so it’s difficult to say these days. I never used to get proper constipation. My diarrhoea did get much worse during my period in the past though. I do know that feeling of desperately needing to go but not being able to. Sometimes it feels that the only way to get rid of pain is having a ooo, but that’s no good when u can’t go.
Ooooh that sounds lovely! Sometimes we have to ignore our endo just to have some kind of life don't we! I hope you manage to enjoy it and the endo isn't being too harsh. Ahh I'm on the injections too so I'm the same atm, no idea what is from the injections and what is from having endo! Bit of a crap treatment when it causes just as many issues as the disease lol. I can't remember if you've said but do you have a good gynae? That can be half the battle sometimes xxx
Magneseum citrate works much better for me than commercial laxatives.I have very bad endo through the bowel and docs have said it's too risky to operate on but this stuff helps.
Hi lovely,
Constipation is horrific, sorry you are suffering this. After a week of not going just be careful there isn't a fecal impaction. This is where its been stuck so long it's dried out and will be so firm it won't come out. I had this After 5 days and at the time didn't know I had endo on the sigmoid colon attaching the ovary/ womb to colon. Trying to pass it I nearly fainted from pain it pulling adhesions.
Call your gp and ask for advice. In the end (pardon the pun) I was on lactulose which didn't work as it takes too long. I was in hospital already so had an enema ( was almost instant releif and was just a nozzle/ liquid not as bad as i imagined ). Be aware laxatives / stool softeners can take a couple of days so may not be enough. In my case I had been given senna too soon, awful as trying to pass it and it was too hard . Another option I had was the fecal impaction dose of laxido ( 8 sachets). It gave me horrific diarrhoea not good for ibs! I'd say call your gp and see what they offer.
Long term as above diet can help. But short term please try qnd get medical help before impacted if not already. All the best.
❤ sabrina xx
Thank you. I’ll Keenan eye on it. My GP didn’t want to even prescribe Laxido. I only got it as the consultant wrote to them to prescribe it. I don’t currently think it’s impacted. I am getting some movement so to speak. My partner does get prescribed an enema kit so if not improved in a couple of days I’ll use that (I only use it in an emergency). I couldn’t cope with 8 sachets of Laxido on a campsite with a walk to the toilet.thank you for the advice.