Hi, I had my surgery done a month yesterday and I’m getting worried as I had noticed my belly button was infected last week and was giving antibiotics, I’ve been taking them on time and I still have sore belly button and leaking also my left incision is looking infected it’s sore and weeping and outside of skin is sore dry itchy all around that area I dunno if I was allergic to adhesive plasters I had, it’s been a week of taking antibiotics and the doctor give me another week of them has anyone had similar experiences x
infection month after laparoscopy - Endometriosis UK
infection month after laparoscopy

I had incisions not healing after last op, still a bit red and that was a month ago or so. Are you keeping them covered? Have they dressed and used anything like inodine (idodene patch) under the dressing? Meopore do anti allergy dressings. I was changing mine daily so they dried and not had soggy dressing on. They are fairly cheap on Amazon for a box.
The itching is incredible. Don’t forget there is a lot of healing internally as well.
Ahh nightmare ain’t it ! I keep them covered when I’m out but when I’m indoors I’ve let them air, what do you thinks best to do ? I’ll have a look for them thank you , My belly button still leaking and sore but other one looks worse now it’s so sore the outside skin is like little blisters that yellow fluid leaking on top I’ve been taking antibiotics for 9 days now, when I first went a&e she put iodine patch under belly button dressing but It didn’t seem to help much for me x
Good idea letting air get to them if nearly healed but I’d keep them covered if leaking. It’s a bigger risk for the infection. You should contact GP, the antibiotics should be doing more so they might not be the right ones for whatever bug it is. They need to do a swab to check. Very least they need to take a look. Are you in much pain?
One time they did ultrasound because it wasn’t healing, the area was fine but he did a check all over and found gallstones 🤣🤣 I’m sure that won’t happen to you though.
My Nurse recommended using a separate towel to to pat dry my incision sites, maybe see if that helps?
I had the same infection in the belly button 3 weeks after the surgery. Been given antibiotics for a week but I don't think was enough as had still pain when I pee down all the way from the top back. The belly button is fine and the swelling is gone.They have sent me for ultrasound and blood test,urine and 2 weeks later now still waiting for the results and I'm private its mad. Still have pain on the lower back ,don't know any more as my period is late too...wishing you a speedy recovery. Xx