Well belly button is infected keeps bleeding and stinks vile Doctors gave me antibiotics and I’m washing it with salty water anything else I can do to help xx
Infection: Well belly button is infected... - Endometriosis UK

keep it clean and dry, if it doesn’t get any better go straight back to the doctors x
Hi again..i did say before that it looked infected despite others saying it wasn't lol. A little bit of aloe vera is excellent. I bought an aloe vera plant from a nursery that i keep on window sill. I burnt myself the other week, cut off a leaf, sliced it open and applied the juice to the burn..worked wonders. Keep it clean, dry and if you can apply some alie vera. Should heal within a few days x
Im 3 weeks post op now and my belly button was a bit wet too but not red like yours. After going to the doctors 3 times in 7 days they swabbed it and gave me fluxocillin as a precaution. I kept bathing in salt water, best thing. I also put a piece of cotton wool in several times a day to help dry it up. Once the stitches/glue came away after 2 weeks I felt instant relief. Hope it eases off for you x
Mine is infected aswell at the moment, it hasn’t cleared up for 6 days now but it’s seems better as I have been using TCP on it morning and night before bed and had hot salty baths to try and draw the infection out. I am trying another round of antibiotics, just keep it clean as poss and cover it if it is catching on anything x