just wondered if anyone had experienced an infection in their belly button incision after laparoscopy. I’m 11 days post op and the incision is so sore and sloughy.
just wondered if anyone had experienced an infection in their belly button incision after laparoscopy. I’m 11 days post op and the incision is so sore and sloughy.
Poor you. I had the same. I ended up seeing the nurse who cleaned every thing up for up for me. She gave me a load of dressings, plasters, sterile water, gauze to clean the wound. Took a few weeks before it was ok again. See if you can get yourself an appointment with your local GP.
I woke up this morning and there’s just serous fluid on my top so looks like it’s working it’s way out. Phoned the hospital and they’ve moved my follow with the consultant to tomorrow afternoon. (Paid privately for the op) Sorry to hear you were the same, frustrating but what can you do other than keep it as clean as possible, which I feel I’ve been super vigilant over anyway. Thankyou for you reply and hope things are now better for you
Yep. I needed antibiotics to clear it. I think this is quite common. Make an appointment with your GP if you can. Good luck with your recovery.
yes I have- was cleaning it regularly and changing dressings, two lots of antibiotics in 3 weeks didn’t work and I ended up in hospital with sepsis. If you feel poorly then get immediate help as I wouldn’t wish anyone to go through what I did. My initial lap was done by private hospital with the most arrogant shit of a surgeon who told me on follow up the pain was in my head, a few days later I was admitted to Hospital with sepsis. Devastating experience I thought I was gonna die. Very traumatic for my daughter who was only 17 at the time when doctor told her I may not make it. Well I did but it was awful x
Morning! Thankyou for your reply. I’m so sorry this happened to you, that’s devastating. Must have been incredibly scary especially as you’d hope you’d be healing after 2 courses of different antibiotics.
I hope you don’t mind me asking but how did you feel poorly? I hope you’re doing okay now but I’m sure it’s still very upsetting even now so Thankyou for sharing and the advice.
That’s ok, people should be aware of this kind of thing happening. I felt very weak, temperature was high and serious nausea, muscle pain then vomiting. Then a rash then I phoned my gp. I got to the practice and collapsed, gp rang for ambulance and I woke up in hospital attached to machines and tubes everywhere. I’m also allergic to a few antibiotics like penicillin, erythromycin, doxycycline and any of those family of antibiotics.
So I’m guessing it was difficult to medicate me. I truly hope you get well soon and don’t let anyone fob you off like my prick of a surgeon did. I should mention I had a d&c at the same time as lap and also ended up with womb infection.
Actually the standard of cleanliness at this hospital (The private one) was appalling. When my friend came to pick me up she was shocked and angry at the way they left me in recovery with out even a bad and I was bleeding badly and being sick from the anaesthetic. Honestly if was a terrible experience from start to finish. The same surgeon wrote suggesting he do hysterectomy but no way was I taking up that offer. I changed to a dif consultant who has put me on hrt and according to newer scan my endo has significantly reduced but I’m still in pain with migrating filshie clips so I’m having to battle to get those f@ckers removed x
pad not bad lol sorry autocorrect got me