I’m due to have my second laparoscopy on Thursday and cautious that I’ll come on my period that day. I was due to start on Monday but, as they’re irregular, I haven’t come on yet. Can you still have your laparoscopy whilst on your period??!
Laparoscopy advice: I’m due to have my... - Endometriosis UK
Laparoscopy advice

Absolutely - some think it's better.
Hi Nor_
I had my first laparoscopy 9 days ago and was on my period. I’d asked my consultant prior to the op and she said it was fine 😊
Good luck for tomorrow!
Thank you!!!! I still haven’t come on yet, but if I do I’ll let them know tomorrow
Hi, just wondering,i was told by one of European doc its not good to attend laparoscopy wnen on period...How was yours then if u dont mind telling me pls?All went ok?

Hi marie234,
Unfortunately the consultant couldn’t do a lot in my laparoscopy because the inflammation was so bad, that I kept bleeding heavily everytime she tried to cauterise, so she had to stop for my own safety. I did wonder whether the inflammation was so bad because I was on my period. I’ve been put on zoladex injections now to try and calm the inflammation down and have been referred to an endometriosis specialist. They may suggest I try the surgery again after a few months but I need to wait and see what they say.
Do you mind me asking the reasons your doctor gave for not having a laparoscopy on your period?
Hi,i am sorry u didnt have your laparoscopy.☹️Fingers crossed u will have soon again👏 Any doc abroad said simply- with period its a bigger risk of any infection and body less visible during any examinations or operation.I am sorry but I will never go even to a hairdresser during period as your hormones works differently in your body too(i experienced that myself) at that time and even haircolour getting different its true .When going for example for US abdominal in UK in the past i was told should be ok with period but i refused.Doc in UK i am sorry but ignoring many important things i believe.I have experience with doc abroad completely different world.Sorry didnt want to sound to harsh or anything.

Hi marie234,
It does make sense what your doctor has told you; your body would be less visible when on your period.
I’m glad you feel happy with the care you’re receiving abroad. I have to say, I have been very happy with the level of care I’m receiving in the UK, I could not fault it to be honest, and I feel extremely lucky because I see a lot of posts on here from others who feel they’re not being listened to.
All anyone can do is what feels right for them and their body 😊
Hi TedLocat,glad u r happy about your experience in UK health care too,good 4 u💪Nice to hear that🙂Yes we knows our body the best and i believe all will be good one day,no choice just to believe.