How did everyone feel after lap? - Endometriosis UK

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How did everyone feel after lap?

Funkonerd profile image
6 Replies

Hi I just had my lap 5 days ago where I had 3 cysts removed and they found endometriosis, which I'm relieved about because I finally have an answer. Anyway I stayed in overnight as everytime I got up I went sick and dizzy, nothing major but as it was quite late they decided I might as well stay in. The first couple of days I slept most of the time so wasn't that aware of anything, now I just feel awful. I don't really know how to explain it but just feel so many things at once it's quite overwhelming. I had 4 incisions which are all quite sore, I still can't move very quick or for very long, I feel completely useless, irritable and tearful. Nothing is right, my poor hubby has been great and I just feel like an ungrateful cow. I wish I could sleep more but having trouble doing that too even at night. I'm stressing about work as I've read you should be back to normal activity within a few days and people have been back at work within 2 weeks so feel this is what I have to be like to. I have a sick note for 2 weeks but been told not to lift anything heavy for 6 weeks, a kettle full of water is too heavy. My job involves heavy lifting and I told them this but still only got signed off for 2 weeks. Is this when I'm expected to go back? I'm sorry for rambling on but it's just getting a bit much ☹

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Funkonerd profile image
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6 Replies
EndoSuckss profile image

Hi! Remember, you're only 5 days post-lap, so you aren't expected to feel brilliant!

I've had 2 laps previously, and felt rough after both until at least day 7, then really felt a lot better around day 10. By day 14 I felt pretty much back to normal, and returned to work (although felt tired for at least another week or 10 days afterwards).

If you get to the end of your sick note and feel don't feel great, call your gp and get it extended.

vizzle_01 profile image

Hello, I've heard it can take 6 weeks to feel completely normal again after a laparoscopy. It sounds like they found quite a lot of endo during yours so were probably digging around quite a bit this may mean more pain and discomfort following it. If you've got any painkillers prescribed definitely take them on schedule they should help. And like EndoSuckss said get your sick note extended if you feel you can't go back in 2 weeks, there's definitely no shame in it. I'm having my first lap tomorrow and planning to have until new year's off (I'll probably have to extend my 7 day sick they've put me down for at the moment) all the best xx

TealSwan profile image


I'm on day 6 since mine and still feel rubbish. I have been a nightmare to live with too. So I think it's completely normal.

I had quite a lot of endo so been signed off for 3weeks told not too drive, or do excercise for 6weeks min. Our bodies will know when we are doing too much and let us know.

Currently waiting for Gp to call me back at one of my incisions is leaking nastiness.

Be kind to yourself your body deserves it

635703 profile image

Took me 3 weeks to fully recover. Everyone is different!

About work, sod it! Take as long as you need to regardless of what they say!!

Peppermint tea, keep moving around by walking. Emotions are all over….this is normal!!

Lots of love 💕 you can do hard things because it’s what we do 💪🏻 💛

Funkonerd profile image

Awww thanks everyone, would like to say I feel a bit better today but I don't 😆. I need to take the dressings off today, I'm not good with that type of thing so that's panicking me 😬. I still only slept for a few hours last night and the rest of the time I'm wide awake, but I still don't have the energy to do much if that makes sense.

Mamareadley profile image

Be kind to yourself, 5 days is still not long after 4 incisions and poking around. Your sick note is only a starting point, you can always call doctors before it runs out and get another one until you feel ready to go back. I'm really glad that you finally have a diagnosis and hope you recover soon 😘 x

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