Worried about having laparoscopy - abnorm... - Endometriosis UK

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Worried about having laparoscopy - abnormal bleeding before period

HannahFitness profile image
11 Replies

Hi there,

I'm just after a bit of comfort/feedback as I'm set to have my first laparoscopy (and hysteroscopy) mid October to investigate abnormal bleeding that I have been having for 3 years. It's usually heavy brown discharge and lasts until my period - so roughly 12 days. It's the same every single month!

I have a fear of blood, needles and just the thought of the operation and being put under sends me into a bit of a panic. I wondered if anyone could share their experience with me please? I'm mostly worried about long recovery/something going wrong during surgery/pain after/making my condition worse if endo isn't found.

I'm also aware it might not be endometriosis, but I have urged my gynaecologist (who specialises in endo) to perform the two operations for me just to see if anything is going on internally as I have tried almost everything else to stop the bleeding and it has now given me health anxiety 😥

Also (long shot), but I wonder if anyone else has suffered from the same abnormal bleeding?

Thanks so much!

PS, i'm new here!

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11 Replies
EndoSuckss profile image


If it helps, I've just had my 2nd lap/excision surgery just over 2 weeks ago. In my experience, the recovery was a lot better than I was expecting! I won't lie - the first few days aren't easy (or comfortable!) but if you take everything slowly and remember to rest and take painkillers then it'll be fine.

I returned to work yesterday (15 days after my op) and things have been OK.

Everyone is different, purely down to what is/isn't found and treated/excised/left etc - but for the most part there's a benefit to the surgery being keyhole and its to aid recovery.

If you have any specific questions then please ask and hopefully can set your mind at ease a little bit xx

HannahFitness profile image
HannahFitness in reply to EndoSuckss

Hey! Thank you so much. It's really comforting to hear it isn't as bad as I think. My gyno is pretty certain she won't find anything as my periods aren't painful (I only have to take paracetamol for first day and then I'm ok) but I do suffer from bloating and sometimes discomfort during sex and lower back pain. I think I'm really just having it for a peace of mind and so I can finally rule it out that it might not be endo.

I just have really bad health anxiety so worry something might go wrong during surgery (like the surgeon slips and cuts into an organ or something 😂) can I ask how you felt after a week? I'm starting a new job 10 days after so want to be ok for that. Thank you! xx

EndoSuckss profile image
EndoSuckss in reply to HannahFitness

I still felt pretty useless after a week, but was more or less OK by 10 days or so. Is there a possibility you can push back your start date by 5 days or a week, just to give you the best chance of recovering before you start?

If not, if the job is sitting and not too active etc, you might me OK xx

SarahE96 profile image

I had my first lap in February and set to have my second to remove the endo at the end of this year and honestly it’s not as scary as you think. The recovery isn’t too bad either, the first few days are uncomfortable but with painkiller and rest is totally manageable. But everyone’s body is different at recovering. Hope it goes okay for you and if you want to talk or vent you know where I am x

HannahFitness profile image
HannahFitness in reply to SarahE96

Thank you! Can I ask how long it took you to get back to normal? a week? I'm worrying slightly as I'm starting a new job about 10 days after x

SarahE96 profile image
SarahE96 in reply to HannahFitness

Of course, I took the full 6 weeks as my job is very physical and I’m awful with pain and things like operations😂 x

pygmypuff profile image

Hey, I've only just been referred to a gynaecologist for potential endo, haven't spoken to them yet! But one of my symptoms is also a heavy brown discharge, it usually only lasts a few day to a week for me and its a week and half usually after my period has finished. Just thought I'd share so you know you're not the only one! Best of luck for the surgery, they really will look after you, and everyone here too! Hugs!

RedA28 profile image

Hi, I had my first lap a few weeks ago. Like you I was very nervous, but it was all fine! The wait can be a bit boring so take a book or magazine or something that will relax you. In terms of needles etc they will take some blood when you first get there, then nothing else until you go to theatre and they put the cannula in but it's very quick and it didn't hurt, they are very experienced! I was knocked out v soon after the cannula went in but don't remember going to sleep.

Recovery for me was quick. I felt sore and tired for a few days but was amazed how quickly I started moving round as normal (especially as my op was quite extensive with removal of stage 4 endo). I'd say I was more tired than normal for about 12 days afterwards. I had a fit note for 2 weeks but went back to work after 12 days. But, everyone is different so take it easy!

Anastasia17 profile image

Hi Hannah. I hope you are well. Is your Gynaecologist an endo specialist or a gynaecologist with 'an interest in endometriosis'? The latter is not trained in endometriosis as such. I am a bit surprised that he has allowed the bleeding between periods for to carry on for 3 years. You are doing really well to push for that laparoscopy, but only if he is an endo specialist. Carry on advocating for yourself, you are doing the right thing. Rrecovery following laparoscopy depends how much work they do, it varies from one case to the next. I returned to work 2 weeks later and truly, it was far too early, but thereagain I was never informed of all the findings and all the work he did. It's only this year at a complaints resolution meeting that I have had confirmation of some (not all!) that he did and, effectively, it is more than likely that I will never know exactly what he did, I can only summise based on the type of pain and symptoms post-lap 3 years ago. I then had a lap and hysteroscopy done by a top London Endo expert (NHS), I also made sure that I would be fully healed and comfortable within myself before looking for a new job, I returned to work, but only temp. works for a few weeks here and there 6 months later. Your recovery and your health are more important in the long term. I understand that its not easy financially, but I had been so very ill following my first botched surgery that neither my husband, nor myself were going to rush anything. My 2nd lap was also quite extensive. I do not regret having taken all this time off, it was the right thing to do at the time. No pain means no stress means no anxiety means no depression. I did all 3 very deeply after the first botched lap. Listen to your body, don't push yourself, think long term how you want to be. Take good care of yourself. x

HannahFitness profile image
HannahFitness in reply to Anastasia17

Hey! Thank you for your reply. Yes, she is a specialist is endometriosis. I researched her quite a lot before booking an appointment with her, she also works in London also. I’ve only just started seeing her this year as I had to go private due to my GP’s just telling me it wasn’t anything serious and to go back on the pill.

The thing is, she is certain she won’t find endometriosis and rather that it’s an issue with my progesterone levels dropping too early which is causing the bleeding. I would believe her if my blood tests didn’t come back normal every single time though.

I’m just unsure as we’re moving in next week, then the operation would be 2 weeks after and my job would be 10 days after that also. So it’s a lot to deal with in a month! Because it’s private, I’m wondering if I should delay it until the new year and go from there..

Thankfully, my new job is very office based, but of course want to start feeling my very best.

Anastasia17 profile image
Anastasia17 in reply to HannahFitness

If you are bleeding, I would not delay it. Trust your instincts. Maybe your new job would allow hybrid working in view of the Covid situation? Will she be the only surgeon present? or will there be another one present? I am puzzled that she has left you bleeding between periods for 3 years, this is highly unusual. Did you see her on the NHS for the bleeding? Are you going through the perimenopause?

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