Hello. I am due to have a partial hysterectomy which will be keyhole and wondered how long the recovery may be. I know everyone is different but if anyone has any experience they would share of the operation and recovery, it would be appreciated. I’m starting to get nervous as the procedure approaches. Thank you
Recovery time after partial hysterectomy - Endometriosis UK
Recovery time after partial hysterectomy

I don't have any indication on recovery, but I'm following for answers if you don't mind as I'll be needing a hysterectomy in the near future.
How are you feeling ahead of your op? Are you having your ovaries left in? X
Hello! It’s been a bit of a roller coaster and I’ve had emotions I didn’t expect to. I have known for years that I would likely have one but it has been more difficult as it has become reality. I think it is the finality of it. I’m also nervous about the operation itself and am not looking forward to it if I’m honest. I am hoping to keep my ovaries, this in itself was a difficult decision and whilst my surgeon spoke to me about the pros and cons of the various options, he didn’t give an opinion on what would be best so I’m trying to not second guess myself. I know it will depend on what they find on the day and I won’t be surprised if I loose an ovary due to the state of one.
Hi! I completely understand what you mean about a roller-coaster of emotions - I only found out on Wednesday after my 2nd lap that I'd need a hysterectomy due to adenomyosis, but I don't really know how to feel about it!
I think the benefit to keeping the ovaries, or an ovary as it might be, is that the body doesn't push straight in to menopause - so I'm hoping to keep mine. One of mine is currently stuck to another organ, so might need to reassess that in the future!
Nerves about surgery are normal, or so I keep telling myself lol! Just know that you are never alone if you ever need to chat ❤️
Hi I had one 5 years ago and the operation itself went really well. I was at home the next day and off the codine quite quickly afterwards. The physical healing process took about 6 weeks and I was extremely fatigued. It totalled around 9 months before I was back to myself though. I think my ovaries had a wobble as I had a lot of menopause symptoms. It did all settle down though which I worried it would at the time. It is a huge operation in terms of healing and not to be underestimated. After 2 weeks I was back to looking after my young children with little help and if I could go back then I would have told myself to find more support so I could get the rest I needed. I found seeing a sports physio after I had healed really helped with the aches and pains as my core was destabilised. Also be prepared to maybe feel a loss/ grieving process. That hit me out of the blue even though my uterus was useless and I didn't actually want more children. Probably a lot to do with the unbalanced hormones. Be kind to yourself.
Good luck with your operation. I'm glad I had mine.
I had an abdominal hysterctomy also and was written sick for 6 weeks but the pain and other organs to find place and oain and so I would say took about 9 months also.You will do great!!!
Thanks everyone. I think I had downplayed the procedure in my head and the reality is only starting to hit me now. I was thinking I would be fully functioning after about 6 weeks but what you have said makes perfect sense. Thank you for sharing
I had a full hysterectomy a couple of years ago. My advice is take every minute of the time you can, I pushed myself too soon and ended up with an infection. Don’t do anything get it all done for you stay in bed as long as you can and rest rest rest.I had weird headaches after but found antihistamine helped.
All the best to you d
Also I feel so much better since the hysterectomy and I don’t regret having it done now. No pain anymore x