Hi All
I'm new here and not diagnosed yet but suspect I may have endometriosis.
I have been having a few issues over the last few weeks were during exercise i get a really intense cramp/sharp pain in my lower abdomen/back. I have been doing the same bootcamp for 2 1/2 years and have never had this problem. I went to the doctor a few weeks ago who ruled out a uti and told me it might be muscular so I took a break from bootcamp but when i went back pain happened again. I've been on the pill and then a progesterone only pill and implant since I was 15 as my periods were so bad very painful causing me to nearly faint. I had my implant removed a week and a half before the pains started which made me question if that was a link so while doing research Endometriosis seems to tick all the boxes symptoms wise so I think it may be a possibility. Did anyone else have any symptoms like the above? I do get cramping/pain and some times a feeling of pressure throughout the month and bloating everyday pretty much but have put these down to other issues and kind of just dealt with them but after doing my research am thinking they may not have been what I thought.
I am due to see the GP again tomorrow and was wondering did anyone have any problems getting referred or is there anything I can do to insure my doctor refers me.