So it’s been a while since I’ve been on here but since then I had a laparoscopy that was clear apparently. They originally did not want to put me in for a Lap but after months of E.R visits and asking for pain relief after the coil insertion they found a 5cm cyst on my ovary. They told me it was a the coil settling but I knew something was wrong.
I’ve had painful/heavy periods for years. I’ve been given diagnosis like Anemia, suspected interstitial cystitis and IBS. This pain would keep me off at least 4 days a month from school or work but apparently isn’t endometriosis?
When I went for the lap I talked to my auntie who has endometriosis and she told me what to expect. But when I woke up from surgery the doctor very quickly told me it was clear and that my body “just isn’t wired properly”. I only had an incision in my belly button and the area where the cyst was. My stomach wasn’t bloated and I had no bruising or anything that anyone else is describing on here.
I’m going to a fertility clinic to try and get a second opinion but I feel like I’m stupid and I should just listen to the doctors but I can’t just live with not knowing what is wrong with me. I have the coil and combined pill that I’ve been taking for 4 years now. The pain has significantly reduced but I’m terrified of ever having to come off them and what pain will be there. I developed bladder issues and IBS over them years as well as back pain. Am I being stupid asking again? I feel like i develop a new symptom every year at this point and I’m losing my mind about it.
Please if anyone has had a similar experience let me know x