Why do I have pain 1 month after surgery? - Endometriosis UK

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Why do I have pain 1 month after surgery?

Amywoodx profile image
11 Replies

Hello everyone. I've mentioned this before but I'm just writing again because I wondered if anyone has experienced anything similar or has an idea of what might be going on inside me.

I had a laparoscopy over one month ago. I won't go into too much detail but the laparoscopy was done because I was experiencing bad periods (ending up in a&e most months) and abdominal pain every morning and bloating etc (even when I wasn't on my period). The pain would be relieved by a bowel movement. I'm starting to think the bad periods and the abdominal pain every morning weren't related but I'm not sure.

Anyway, around 3 months before my laparoscopy I started to feel a little better. The pain began to die down. I still got a bit of painnow and again but nothing like the way I used to and it definitely wasn't every single day. I was able to eat anything I wanted without suffering and my periods were like they used to be 2 years ago (normal). I was on the waiting list for a lap for 6 months and I was desperate to find out what the problem was so I went for it when my time came.

They found an adhesion to my anterior abdominal wall and got rid/cut it off. They were unsure whether this was the reason for my pain in the first place as they mentioned that usually adhesions don't cause pain and this particular adhesion wouldn't have caused pain either. Other than that, everything else looked normal. I then got an infection in my bellybutton incision & was given oral antibiotics (they're also used for gut infections etc). I started to experience the same pain I used to again when I started taking the antibiotics which was around 3 weeks ago. The pain is quite bad and it usually starts during the night and goes into the morning. I really don’t know how to describe the pain but it is such a strange sensation it’s horrible.

Does anyone have any idea what could be going on? I know adhesions can reform after surgery but I've also heard that most of the time adhesions don't cause any problems. I'm also wondering if it's something as simple as the antibiotics that have messed up my gut? I know a lot of people are told to take strong probiotics for 2 weeks after taking antibiotics which makes me wonder if it's just that. Or could it be healing? But I’m not sure what would need healing as they didn’t do much inside? The pain was slowly going away and I feel like I've really done the wrong thing by going for my laparoscopy as I seem to be back at stage one again when it was supposed to help me get better 😞

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Amywoodx profile image
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11 Replies
Bubble_by profile image

I had the same thing after my laparoscopy. Then I panicked thinking I had done the wrong thing. It can take time for your body to understand that it doesn't have any adhesions anymore and up to a year to fully heal. I had mine in March and I still have some residual issues from it.

You are still recovering so be kind to yourself and try not to worry about it too much (easier said than done, I know).

Hope you feel better soon 💕

Amywoodx profile image
Amywoodx in reply to Bubble_by

Thanks for your reply. That was really reassuring! I do hope it's just my body trying to heal internally but I do sometimes wonder if there's anything that really needs to be healed as all they did was remove a tiny adhesion and looked around, nothing else was done. It's all very confusing! But what you say does make sense with regards to the body taking time to understand that it doesn't have adhesions anymore I guess! I'm glad to hear you feel a bit better not too. How long was it after your lap that you noticed the pain started to die down a little? x

Bubble_by profile image
Bubble_by in reply to Amywoodx

I did notice an immediate difference after the laparoscopy... I had pain but not like before, so I can't say it didn't work. Also I didn't want it damaging my chances of having children one day. About 3-4 months in I actually felt like I was healing properly and it wasn't as bad as before.

Having a laparoscopy was the right descion for me in the long run, I hope physio will be able to help me to improve further 🤞

Amywoodx profile image
Amywoodx in reply to Bubble_by

Oh you did notice an immediate difference? I was ok For about 2 weeks after my lap but the pain has all kicked off again quite badly it sucks. I guess I’ll have to wait and see and give it a few months but I really hope it stops again😫 hope physio helps you too x

Bubble_by profile image
Bubble_by in reply to Amywoodx

I still had pain, but not like I did before the op.Yes I hope so too 🤞 thanks, I've got pelvic floor dysfunction so I'm hoping it will help with that too x

Amywoodx profile image
Amywoodx in reply to Bubble_by

Ah ok, hmm my pain seems to have come on quite suddenly again after surgery instead of easing off afterwards unfortunately 😫😞

& that should definitely help with the pelvic floor too! Good luck! X

AnnaFiona profile image

Hi,I'm in a similar position.

Had pain on and off for months despite having had an early menopause so wasn't having periods. (They were really painful when I had them.)

A scan showed I had a cyst on my left ovary and a gynae advised that I had the whole ovary and fallopian tube removed as I'm 48 and don't need it, plus the cyst looked like an endometrioma and she didn't want to spill its contents.

I had the op in September. The ovary had been destroyed by endo apparently and was stuck to my pelvic wall. There were endo lesions scattered around which she removed (not sure how.)

I recovered well for about 5 weeks and then a pain slowly started again in the same place. Over the past couple of weeks it has intensified so that now I'm in constant, significant pain. Just like you I think "What is going on inside my body?"

Also like you I'm regretting my operation thinking "It was mild pain before now it's much worse. What have I done??"

I'm clinging to the fact that it may be scar tissue and the pain may go. I went to an accupunturist who thinks it's scar tissue and nerve damage (I did have a numb thigh after the op for several weeks, it's almost normal now.)

What pain medicine have you tried - any 'alternative' treatment? Accupuncture is supposed to work well for endo.

Have you investigated whether you have any gut problems? Lactose intolerance or anything? As you say, you don't know for sure that it's a period thing causing tummy problems.

I l8ve the reply from Bubble-by. I find that gery reassuring. Maybe we just have to keep the faith we'll be OK.

Amywoodx profile image
Amywoodx in reply to AnnaFiona

That sounds like such a journey, sorry to hear that! I also had my op in September. I haven't tried any pain medication, just the standard nurofen or paracetamol. My pain is normally as soon as I wake up and then tends to die down throughout the day so if I need any meds I take them in the morning before I start my day. I do really want to try acupuncture, I've heard that's really good for a lot of things.

I've tried to cut out diary and gluten but none of it really made any difference. Also, before my laparoscopy when I noticed my pain was sort of slowly going away, that was when I was probably indulging in more junk food than ever as I didn't have any pain so I doubt it's the food too otherwise I'm sure I would've suffered during that time.

It's all very confusing, I do hope it's just our bodies recovering but who knows. It sounds like you had a lot done to you internally too so in your case I'm thinking it could be part of the healing process too. For me I didn't have much done except have a tiny adhesion removed and a look around which makes me think twice about healing etc as surely there isn't much that needs to be healed since not much was done.

Have you had any advise from any healthcare professionals or has anyone checked up on you since to talk about your pain? Maybe they might have an idea as to whether it's scar tissue or not. Like you, I'm also clinging onto the fact it could be scar tissue too.

AnnaFiona profile image
AnnaFiona in reply to Amywoodx


I spoke to a GP on the phone today who has suggested I go in for an examination this week and said that it sounds like a scan will be on the cards.

Pain is certainly not getting any better. Today was worse than yesterday.


Amywoodx profile image
Amywoodx in reply to AnnaFiona

Oh man thats horrible. Unfortunately today was really bad for me too, I wasn't able to sleep all night due to pain, even had a hot water bottle and paracetamol and it was still bad :( This is awful. Really feels like having the laparoscopy has made things so much worse, I wish I never went. What type of scan are they sending you for? let me know how it goes!

Hanna1234 profile image

So sorry to hear your struggling, I had my op 4 weeks ago too and recently been struggling with a RIF sharp burning pain.

I phoned my consultant for advice, maybe try the same.

Really hope you start to feel better soon. Take care x

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